CYPIAPT-LNDSE / welcome-to-camhs

Fun and accessible questionnaire for children when first visiting CAMHS.
MIT License
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User testing #46

Open RhodesPeter opened 7 years ago

RhodesPeter commented 7 years ago

Hello @skibinska and @Jasminpatel1,

I've created this issue as a place that we can talk about user testing.

Jasmin, you can find the prototype app here! The app is designed for tablets so you must swipe left and right to change pages.

RhodesPeter commented 7 years ago

Our coursemate Jen found this article as an introduction to testing that may be helpful.

RhodesPeter commented 7 years ago

There is this video too 😀

RhodesPeter commented 7 years ago

What do we want to find out from testing?

RhodesPeter commented 7 years ago

The basic idea of our testing is to test against this user journey. You can explain the idea of the questionnaire to the young people and ask them to run through the prototype and note down anything that stands out as you go. Any little bits of information are useful especially ones linked the the questions I wrote in my last comment.

Notes for testing:

There are some features that are not present in the prototype that will work in the final product, it may help to make sure the person completing the user testing knows that this is just a prototype and that not all the interaction works yet.

Jasminpatel1 commented 7 years ago

Thanks Peter

Jasminpatel1 commented 7 years ago

We are getting some great feedback, I just spoke to a few clinicians working in a neurodevelopmental team, and with service users in the waiting room, who have been referred to other teams in CAMHS. Briefly, one person reported that it was "fun, friendly and accessible". He loved the balloons. One person suggested having the characters talk to each other, e.g., 'Hi, I'm Bob' 'Nice to meet you Bob, I am Sarah'. Another person commented that there was a bit of a 'lag' – but that is because our internet connection is very slow.. it was taking a bit of time for the next page to be loaded. But I guess this wouldn't be a problem if it was a standalone App, without the need for internet connection?! What do you think? Also this evening a clinician and manager stated that this is 'a really good tool for kids with neurodevelopmental difficulties, and that the majority of people who are reffered to our service present with this profile' so they could really see it being used and havig clinical meaning on the majority of clients referred. I also showed them the version we could create for older children and they thought the questions were reall good to ask (interests, sleep, eating, feeling, personality). I'm next at CAMHS on Wednesday so will get some more feedback then. BW Jasmin

RhodesPeter commented 7 years ago

Brilliant, thank you Jasmin.

skibinska commented 7 years ago

@Jasminpatel1 sounds great!

MHemsley commented 7 years ago

Hi all,

I was going through the apps with some older YP yesterday, and wanted to give the feedback produced.

They loved the characters and visual style for the age range

Felt that it was a need, especially if it could tap into softer information e.g. likes/hobbies

There was a hope the jungle theme would continue with further development

The app was un-navigatable on Ipad minis and not very responsive

Clear progression and navigation needs to be added

Clarity on when the questions refer to (e.g. in the last x weeks/months how has your eating beed)

RhodesPeter commented 7 years ago

Thank you @MHemsley, this is really useful feedback and all of it is very achievable. The prototype it is hard programmed to a standard iPad size, for the final product we would make it responsive to all tablet sizes so that shouldn't be an issue in the future.

RhodesPeter commented 7 years ago

Hello @Jasminpatel1 - Dan has given us some basic advice for the product owners in regards to the presentations on Thursday:

  1. A description of the problem
  2. Results of this week's testing
  3. Their availability for the next month
  4. A development plan (i.e. how are they going to ensure the product gets some traction)
RhodesPeter commented 7 years ago

@Jasminpatel1 and @skibinska I have created an issue about the presentation here.