CZ-NIC / django-fido

Django application for FIDO protocol U2F
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Passwordless #137

Closed variable closed 2 years ago

variable commented 2 years ago

Just wondering if this package support passwordless single factor?

Am I understanding right that passwordless is just we skip the username+password step and completely rely on the fido2 authentication?

The user provides their user name and selects the sign-in button, script (running in browser) starts the sign-in process using Amazon Cognito InitiateAuth API passing the user name and indicating that authentication flow is CUSTOM_AUTH. In the demo project, this part is performed in the signIn function in webauthn-client.js.

tpazderka commented 2 years ago

You should be able to write a custom authentication backend (similar to Fido2GeneralAuthenticationBackend) which gets user by username and passes that user instance to Fido2AuthenticationBackend.

variable commented 2 years ago

I have read some more doc that I do not even need to specify the username for passwordless, when the /registration/ is done, does it write to the yubikey or just the django server knows the key?

On Wed, 3 Nov 2021 at 22:05, tpazderka @.***> wrote:

You should be able to write a custom authentication backend (similar to Fido2GeneralAuthenticationBackend) which gets user by username and passes that user instance to Fido2AuthenticationBackend.

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variable commented 2 years ago

OK, digging into the found that I need to specify resident_key=True to store the credential on the key

    def create_fido2_request(self) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]:
        """Create and return FIDO 2 registration request.

        @raise ValueError: If request can't be created.
        user = self.get_user()
        assert user.is_authenticated, "User must not be anonymous for FIDO 2 requests."
        credentials = self.get_credentials(user)
        return self.server.register_begin(self.get_user_data(user), credentials,
                                          user_verification=self.user_verification, resident_key=True)
variable commented 2 years ago

So below is my hack on the API integration to get passwordless working, this relies on the ability to set resident_key=True in

NOTE the way below I am looking up the user is via credential id. To use (userHandle from navigator.crendentials.get()) according to the doc, will need my PR to be merged


import base64
from http.client import BAD_REQUEST
from typing import Tuple, Dict

from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login
from django.contrib.auth.base_user import AbstractBaseUser
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django_fido.views import Fido2ViewMixin, Fido2ServerError
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from fido2.client import ClientData
from fido2.ctap2 import AuthenticatorData
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.request import Request
from rest_framework.exceptions import ValidationError
from rest_framework import serializers

class FidoAuthenticationSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
    client_data = serializers.CharField()
    credential_id = serializers.CharField()
    authenticator_data = serializers.CharField()
    signature = serializers.CharField()

    def validate_client_data(self, value) -> ClientData:
        """Return decoded client data."""
            return ClientData(base64.b64decode(value))
        except ValueError:
            raise ValidationError(_('FIDO 2 response is malformed.'), code='invalid')

    def validate_credential_id(self, value) -> bytes:
        """Return decoded credential ID."""
            return base64.b64decode(value)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValidationError(_('FIDO 2 response is malformed.'), code='invalid')

    def validate_authenticator_data(self, value) -> AuthenticatorData:
        """Return decoded authenticator data."""
            return AuthenticatorData(base64.b64decode(value))
        except ValueError:
            raise ValidationError(_('FIDO 2 response is malformed.'), code='invalid')

    def validate_signature(self, value) -> bytes:
        """Return decoded signature."""
            return base64.b64decode(value)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValidationError(_('FIDO 2 response is malformed.'), code='invalid')

class PasswordlessAuthRequestView(Fido2ViewMixin, APIView):
    authentication_classes = []
    permission_classes = []

    def create_fido2_request(self) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]:
        """Create and return FIDO 2 authentication request.

        @raise ValueError: If request can't be created.
        return self.server.authenticate_begin([], user_verification=self.user_verification)

    def get(self, request: Request) -> Response:
        """Return JSON with FIDO 2 request."""
            request_data, state = self.create_fido2_request()
        except ValueError as error:
            return Response({
                'error_code': getattr(error, 'error_code', Fido2ServerError.DEFAULT),
                'message': force_text(error),
                'error': force_text(error),  # error key is deprecated and will be removed in the future
            }, status=BAD_REQUEST)

        # Encode challenge into base64 encoding
        challenge = request_data['publicKey']['challenge']
        challenge = base64.b64encode(challenge).decode('utf-8')
        request_data['publicKey']['challenge'] = challenge

        # Encode credential IDs, if exists - registration
        if 'excludeCredentials' in request_data['publicKey']:
            encoded_credentials = []
            for credential in request_data['publicKey']['excludeCredentials']:
                encoded_credential = credential.copy()
                encoded_credential['id'] = base64.b64encode(encoded_credential['id']).decode('utf-8')
            request_data['publicKey']['excludeCredentials'] = encoded_credentials

        # Encode credential IDs, if exists - authentication
        if 'allowCredentials' in request_data['publicKey']:
            encoded_credentials = []
            for credential in request_data['publicKey']['allowCredentials']:
                encoded_credential = credential.copy()
                encoded_credential['id'] = base64.b64encode(encoded_credential['id']).decode('utf-8')
            request_data['publicKey']['allowCredentials'] = encoded_credentials

        # Store the state into session
        self.request.session[self.session_key] = state

        return Response(request_data)

class PasswordlessAuthView(Fido2ViewMixin, APIView):
    authentication_classes = []
    permission_classes = []

    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        serializer = FidoAuthenticationSerializer(
        user = self.complete_authentication(serializer.validated_data)

        login(request, user, 'btg_auth_pp.backends.PasswordlessAuthenticationBackend')
        return Response(response_payload)

    def complete_authentication(self, data) -> AbstractBaseUser:
        Complete the authentication.

        @raise ValidationError: If the authentication can't be completed.
        state = self.request.session.pop(self.session_key, None)
        if state is None:
            raise ValidationError(_('Authentication request not found.'), code='missing')

        fido_kwargs = dict(
        user = authenticate(request=self.request, **fido_kwargs)

        if user is None:
            raise ValidationError(_('Authentication failed.'), code='invalid')
        return user

Authentication backend

import base64
import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
from django.contrib import messages
from django.contrib.auth import get_backends
from django.contrib.auth.base_user import AbstractBaseUser
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from django.http import HttpRequest
from fido2.server import Fido2Server
from django_fido.models import Authenticator
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

def is_fido_backend_used() -> bool:
    """Detect whether FIDO2 authentication backend is used."""
    for auth_backend in get_backends():
        if isinstance(auth_backend, (PasswordlessAuthenticationBackend,)):
            return True

    return False

class PasswordlessAuthenticationBackend(object):
    Authenticate user using FIDO 2.

    @cvar counter_error_message: Error message in case FIDO 2 device counter didn't increase.

    counter_error_message = _("Counter of the FIDO 2 device decreased. Device may have been duplicated.")

    def authenticate(self, request: HttpRequest, fido2_server: Fido2Server,
                     fido2_state: Dict[str, bytes], fido2_response: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[AbstractBaseUser]:
        """Authenticate using FIDO 2."""
        credential_id_data = base64.b64encode(fido2_response['credential_id']).decode('utf-8')

        authenticator = Authenticator.objects.get(credential_id_data=credential_id_data)
        user = authenticator.user
        credentials = [authenticator.credential]

            credential = fido2_server.authenticate_complete(
                fido2_state, credentials, fido2_response['credential_id'], fido2_response['client_data'],
                fido2_response['authenticator_data'], fido2_response['signature'])
        except ValueError as error:
  "FIDO 2 authentication failed with error: %r", error)
            return None

        device = user.authenticators.get(credential_id_data=base64.b64encode(credential.credential_id).decode('utf-8'))
            self.mark_device_used(device, fido2_response['authenticator_data'].counter)
        except ValueError:
            # Raise `PermissionDenied` to stop the authentication process and skip remaining backends.
            messages.error(request, self.counter_error_message)
            raise PermissionDenied("Counter didn't increase.")
        return user

    def mark_device_used(self, device, counter):
        """Update FIDO 2 device usage information."""
        if counter == 0 and device.counter == 0:
            # Counter is unsupported by the device, bail out early
        if counter <= device.counter:
  "FIDO 2 authentication failed because of not increasing counter.")
            raise ValueError("Counter didn't increase.")
        device.counter = counter

frontend trigger

import React from 'react';
import {Button} from 'react-bootstrap';
import AuthAPI from '@/js/api/auth';

const FidoForm = ({onSuccess}) => {
    const base64ToArrayBuffer = (base64) => {
        const binaryString = window.atob(base64);
        const bytes = new Uint8Array(binaryString.length)
        for (let i = 0; i < binaryString.length; i++) {
            bytes[i] = binaryString.charCodeAt(i)
        return bytes

    const arrayBufferToBase64 = (buffer) => {
        let binary = ''
        const bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer)
        for (const byte of bytes)
            binary += String.fromCharCode(byte)
        return window.btoa(binary)

    const onFidoSubmit = (formData) => {
            data => {
                const publicKey = data.publicKey;
                publicKey.challenge = base64ToArrayBuffer(publicKey.challenge)

                // Decode credentials
                const decodedCredentials = []
                for (const credential of publicKey.allowCredentials){
           = base64ToArrayBuffer(
                publicKey.allowCredentials = decodedCredentials;
                navigator.credentials.get({ publicKey }).then(result => {
                    const authData = {
                        client_data: arrayBufferToBase64(result.response.clientDataJSON),
                        credential_id: arrayBufferToBase64(result.rawId),
                        authenticator_data: arrayBufferToBase64(result.response.authenticatorData),
                        signature: arrayBufferToBase64(result.response.signature)

    return (
            <Button onClick={onFidoSubmit}>Login with YUBI key</Button>

export default FidoForm;