CZ-NIC / django-fido

Django application for FIDO protocol U2F
GNU General Public License v3.0
28 stars 11 forks source link

Remove side effects from JS library #173

Closed stinovlas closed 1 year ago

stinovlas commented 1 year ago

fido2.js contains side effects (binding listener to DOMContentLoaded), which makes importing and using this module quite tricky. We should separate the actual functions to the separate module and only provide thin wrapper that binds the listener in separate file. This allows easy usage as ready-to-use bundle as well as importing it as a library.

tpazderka commented 1 year ago

This is a blocker for 1.0 which should be released sooner than later... (end of September...)

pazderka commented 1 year ago

I will look into it, it shouldn't take too much time to finish this.