CaKlassen / gmwwise

A Wwise Plugin for GameMaker: Studio
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RTPC doesn't seem to respond... #13

Open doublebee022 opened 6 years ago

doublebee022 commented 6 years ago

Sorry to be the squeaky wheel lately...

What am I doing wrong?

CaKlassen commented 6 years ago

Based on your described steps, it sounds like it should be working. If the RTPC is changing values in the Wwise profiler, I suspect that the RTPC itself isn't the issue. What is the parameter connected to? Is it modifying some sort of plugin that may not be properly set up in GMWwise?

doublebee022 commented 6 years ago

It's set to affect bus low pass and volume for a particular bus (using wwise's built-in low pass and volume curves), with the intention of affecting all sounds going through it. Works fine in soundcaster. My workaround is using a state, which is a one-size-fits-all solution. Note that I've got the RTPC system to work for things that affect an actual sound object, namely looping 1shot trigger rate...

CaKlassen commented 6 years ago

That's certainly odd. I'm a little hung up on the fact that the Wwise profiler shows that your RTPC is updating, yet it only works when testing through the authoring tool. I can't think of anything within the DLL that would be able to intercept playback.

Given that you aren't using any plugins, that shouldn't be causing an issue either. Is there some other RTPC/event in your project that might be interfering?

doublebee022 commented 6 years ago

I can't completely rule out human error, only because I can't specifically recall off the top of my head whether or not I might have competing settings. I'll definitely do a deep dive into all the stuff that could be affecting it. The thing I can't reckon with though is that the RTPC definitely behaves, according to the profiler, letter perfect...

Specifically, the RTPC controls a single bus's LPF, volume, and pitch curves. I tried affecting the actor-mixer directly instead of the bus, but neither had any affect. The effect was clear and apparent when demoing the RTPC in soundcaster...