Cacti / cacti

Cacti ™
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ERROR PHP NOTICE: Undefined offset: 1 in file: cacti/lib/dsstats.php on line: 259 #471

Closed amrit3327 closed 7 years ago

amrit3327 commented 7 years ago

Permissions are fine...cron for poller is running and spine is running data is also there in tables...but what else i need to chek...

cigamit commented 7 years ago

So, you have your RRDfiles updating now. Please confirm.

amrit3327 commented 7 years ago

No cigamit..i am getting this error ..

amrit3327 commented 7 years ago

can i increase the time from 298 sec for poller i think rrd step is at the last in poller.php or it is in loop for every data source process..because it always show 0 rrd processed after each poller run ..

amrit3327 commented 7 years ago


Attached are the poller logs

cigamit commented 7 years ago

You need to do something about your error handling. Lot's of issues. Looks like you are running boost. Are you seeing boost clearing out the tables? Were you running boost server before, as it's not available any more. Please advise. Also, I think this belongs on the forums. You can get better help there I think.

cigamit commented 7 years ago

It's really unclear how that error can happen. Can you please place the following into the code at that line:

if (!isset($parts[1])) cacti_log("info $rrdfile");

Then, from the log, take the output of the "rrdtool info $rrdfile" and post it here.

amrit3327 commented 7 years ago

2017-03-24 12:40:22 - CMDPHP PHP ERROR NOTICE Backtrace: (CactiShutdownHandler)(/lib/functions.php: 4304 CactiErrorHandler)(/lib/functions.php: 4265 cacti_debug_backtrace) 2017-03-24 12:40:22 - ERROR PHP NOTICE: Undefined variable: rrdfile in file: /u/cacti/lib/functions.php on line: 4304

After adding this is what i am getting ..

amrit3327 commented 7 years ago

i have one more concern is rrd,php used in poller,php as i dont see poller,php using rrd.php in my case....which may be reason for rrd not updating as well

cigamit commented 7 years ago

Well, you need to learn a little more about PHP if you expect help here. Until you know what you are doing, it's going to be hard to identify a bug if any.

amrit3327 commented 7 years ago

yes i am stranger to php but as we are using cacti so can u help me to figure put whyy rrd is not updating whcih as a system admin is hurting us from last3 weeks..which may lead to cacti decommission which actually i dont want ...i am trying my best in spite i am not a programmer..

cigamit commented 7 years ago

Well, since you are unable to perform the simplest task in PHP, I recommend you execute your backoff plan and return to the previous version of cacti. First, you need to restore the original website files, then restore from your database backup. The rrdfiles should start updating all by themselves after that. If you have not properly planned your upgrade, don't have these files, then, it's not the fault of anyone here. A lack of planning on your part does not constitute and emergency on ours. I wish you luck.