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Upgrade Script #145

Open malkahtani opened 2 years ago

malkahtani commented 2 years ago

Feature Request

I am upgrading from Version 0.8.8b to Cacti Version 1.2.17 and I noticed that the database tables are different for example the table aggregate_graph_templates in Cacti 1.2.17 might be the same as plugin_aggregate_graph_templates table in Cacti 0.8.8b.

I am afraid, if I used the upgrade method in the website the new installed Cacti 1.2.17 will not work.

Is there any way for upgrading and keep my data that was collected in Cacti Version 0.8.8b?

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netniV commented 2 years ago

You simply need the database, code and RRD's to be in the same locations and using the same processor bit affinity (i.e. 64-bit -> 64-bit and little endian -> little endian). If you have a difference between the source and destination machines, you would need to export the RRD's from the old system and recreate them on the new one. The reason for that is more because of RDtool is very picky about it to be fast.

With the RRD's, latest sources and database in place, the system should upgrade automatically. However, any templates and scripts you had under pre-1.x will likely need to be tweaked and updated to use newer functions, tables and styles.

Remember, always take a backup first. If possible, run a test upgrade on a VM platform where you can't harm you production stuff.

TheWitness commented 2 years ago

I just went through the documentation and I think it's too terse. I'm going to move this to a documentation bug though.

TheWitness commented 2 years ago

My suggestion is that you take a dump of the database to a new server and upgrade it. If it breaks, note the issues. Also, be careful to strictly follow the database recommendations. They are critical.