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Added a known issues page #80

Closed bmfmancini closed 4 years ago

bmfmancini commented 4 years ago

This page will help users Identiy known issues and fixed for the Latest version of Cacti this could also be used as a historical known issue/Bug page for the latest x amount of releases this should help with repeat reports of the same issue

netniV commented 4 years ago

We kind of have this via the GitHub bug trackers and Changelog. Known issues should be ongoing things that aren’t being fixed

netniV commented 4 years ago

So for example, just before release had we known about the cookie domain and didn’t fix it, that is when it should be in a known issue section.

bmfmancini commented 4 years ago

My thinking was right now if you go to the releases section of github and download 1.2.11 there is no where that says this is a known issue which is why for that particular issue there were multiple reports which would mean that that issue although known and fixed is not fixed in the zip or the tar

The release just shows the changes and the updates Unless we leverage that page and add another heading for known issues which is updated

netniV commented 4 years ago

Like I said that’s no long a known issue if it’s been resolved. The changelog does provide info but unfortunately when people come to GitHub to report their issue they can’t seem to search first and find a similar issue.

GitHub has started to beta the searching of old issues based on what you’ve written so that can help.

netniV commented 4 years ago

In theory if there is an open bug that has not been resolved, those could potentially be known issues if we have confirmed them as reproducible

bmfmancini commented 4 years ago

Ok got it

I will close the PR

Thanks !

netniV commented 4 years ago

Maybe there should be a known issues file in core. Or at least a wiki page.

netniV commented 4 years ago

Come to think of it. Importing packages can reset graphs back to defaults if people custom the default templates. That is a known issue that should be listed.