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Data #81

Closed bmfmancini closed 4 years ago

bmfmancini commented 4 years ago

Added detail on how to change data profiles and how to calculate rows

netniV commented 4 years ago

This seems to have more than just data profile? Also, styling needs sorting

bmfmancini commented 4 years ago

All of the updates are about the data profile window options which part do you see not part of data profiles ?

bmfmancini commented 4 years ago

For styling what needs changing I notice travis is not checking anymore is it not enabled on this repo anymore ?

bmfmancini commented 4 years ago

Added note on graphing single OID with spine

netniV commented 4 years ago

It should be!

netniV commented 4 years ago

I’m also seeing the known issues with a fixed issues ;)

netniV commented 4 years ago

If you run the script in the bun folder whilst in the root all checks will be performed. You may need some tools for that though

bmfmancini commented 4 years ago

The known issues should be gone now

I am not sure what you mean about the script

netniV commented 4 years ago

When you clone the repo, there is a script folder called 'bin' that holds two sh (bash really) scripts. Running those without parameters will check all files in the repo for validity. It's what I run before I post updates back to the GitHub repo from my local ones.

Travis is supposed to be doing that too, which is why it triggers a failure when the styling isn't right upon commit.

netniV commented 4 years ago

The image depicting the work flow is quite nice. Can I make two functional suggestions? One, have all points lead to Rome; eg, all three flows should ultimately end with the end of the scan. Whether that is one long termination element or a small one with all three flowing into it, creators choice as both work for me.

Secondly, there are is a flow direction problem with one of the links I think. Seems to be going the opposite way than I expected.

bmfmancini commented 4 years ago

Thanks for all of the suggestions @netniV
I have made the changes let me know what you think

bmfmancini commented 4 years ago


The image depicting the work flow is quite nice. Can I make two functional suggestions? One, have all points lead to Rome; eg, all three flows should ultimately end with the end of the scan. Whether that is one long termination element or a small one with all three flowing into it, creators choice as both work for me.

Secondly, there are is a flow direction problem with one of the links I think. Seems to be going the opposite way than I expected.

Updated the chart thanks for the input

bmfmancini commented 4 years ago

requested changes address

@netniV let me know how that looks

netniV commented 4 years ago

What format do you have your chart in? Could you email it to me?

bmfmancini commented 4 years ago

What format do you have your chart in? Could you email it to me?

its in Visio I can send it to you tomorrow

bmfmancini commented 4 years ago

What format do you have your chart in? Could you email it to me?

its in Visio I can send it to you tomorrow

Is there something you want to change or just want a copy of it ?

netniV commented 4 years ago

Visio is good for me :)

netniV commented 4 years ago

Hey Sean, would be good to get this sealed off this week for the release at the weekend. Did you send the visio file? I didn't see anything in my mail.

bmfmancini commented 4 years ago

Hey Sean, would be good to get this sealed off this week for the release at the weekend. Did you send the visio file? I didn't see anything in my mail.

Oops sorry man forgot to send it sending it now