Cacti / plugin_mactrack

Mactrack Plugin for Cacti
GNU General Public License v2.0
12 stars 24 forks source link

ED DNS and IP Polling Issue within Mac Track #214

Closed AdamMason1877 closed 1 month ago

AdamMason1877 commented 1 month ago

Responses in bold for easy readability

Describe the bug

A clear and concise description of what the bug is:

We currently don't know what the bug is, but our ED DNS and ED IP address no longer populates within the mac track plugin, which in a hospital environment, has made our lives 10x harder for switch replacements.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior: N/A, we do not currently know what causes or triggers this.

  1. Go to '...'

  2. Click on '....'

  3. Scroll down to '....'

  4. See error

Expected behavior

A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen:

What use to happen, before my time at the org, back in 2022, was that ED DNS and ED IP would populate after scanning. Now both columns are completely empty


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information)

Smartphone (please complete the following information)

Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

We are using the N-1 version of Cacti, N being the newest.

xmacan commented 1 month ago

What mactrack version? Try to update to Mactrack 4.7. In actual 4.7 I can see ED IP addresses.

jdcoats commented 1 month ago

Yes this was resolved in mactrack develop / 4.7

AdamMason1877 commented 1 month ago

So odd, when looking at my cacti console page, it lists version "Version 1.2.25", and I thought we were relatively up to date. I guess I was given the wrong information.

jdcoats commented 1 month ago

Adam, you posed this bug report for mactrack in Cacti and not in mactrack. Cacti 1.2.x branch is currently 1.2.27 and you can upgrade that if you want but what will resolve your immediate issue is going to mactrack develop branch and grabbing that to update your mactrack plugin to 4.7. You see your plugin version at configuration/plugins

AdamMason1877 commented 1 month ago

Adam, you posed this bug report for mactrack in Cacti and not in mactrack. Cacti 1.2.x branch is currently 1.2.27 and you can upgrade that if you want but what will resolve your immediate issue is going to mactrack develop branch and grabbing that to update your mactrack plugin to 4.7. You see your plugin version at configuration/plugins

Alright thanks I will try that.

AdamMason1877 commented 1 month ago

Adam, you posed this bug report for mactrack in Cacti and not in mactrack. Cacti 1.2.x branch is currently 1.2.27 and you can upgrade that if you want but what will resolve your immediate issue is going to mactrack develop branch and grabbing that to update your mactrack plugin to 4.7. You see your plugin version at configuration/plugins

Sorry if this is not it, can you please link the mactrack develop branch

jdcoats commented 1 month ago


AdamMason1877 commented 1 month ago


and you install this by unzipping and placing somewhere in cacti folder structure and hitting setup, I imagine?

I looked at the readme, which specified:

"Installation Just like any Cacti plugin, untar the package to the Cacti plugins directory, rename the directory to 'mactrack', and then from Cacti's Plugin Management interface, Install and Enable the plugin."

But I am not sure if its different because of my circumstances, and if we need to uninstall the old plugin, so that there aren't conflicts and what not. If uninstall old plugin, any documentation that I can follow for that process?

jdcoats commented 1 month ago

unzip cd plugin_mactrack-develop cp -R * /cactidirectory/plugins/mactrack/

AdamMason1877 commented 1 month ago

we updated the mac track plugin and it shows as the new version under plugins, but the issue persists.

We checked that DNS Queries can occur via dig and dig

jdcoats commented 1 month ago

Have you let the mactrack scanner run at its scheduled interval?

AdamMason1877 commented 1 month ago

yes we believe so, where would we verify that?

jdcoats commented 1 month ago

Console/Tracking Tools/Tracking Utilities/View Device Tracking Process Status

xmacan commented 1 month ago

Have you set up correct DNS servers in Console -> Configuration -> settings -> Device tracking tab -> DNS settings?

AdamMason1877 commented 1 month ago

yes, we verified it is set to our infoblox IP address

AdamMason1877 commented 1 month ago

I had to heavily redact the errors in the logs, but we believe this might be the symptom of the issue we are facing any developers that can help, we vastly appreicate

2024/05/16 11:54:05 - CMDPHP PHP ERROR WARNING Backtrace: (/plugins/mactrack/mactrack_utilities.php[70]:import_oui_database(), /plugins/mactrack/lib/mactrack_functions.php[2464]:file(), CactiErrorHandler()) 2024/05/16 11:54:05 - ERROR PHP WARNING in Plugin 'mactrack': file( failed to open stream: operation failed in file: /usr/share/cacti/plugins/mactrack/lib/mactrack_functions.php on line: 2464 2024/05/16 11:54:05 - CMDPHP PHP ERROR WARNING Backtrace: (/plugins/mactrack/mactrack_utilities.php[70]:import_oui_database(), /plugins/mactrack/lib/mactrack_functions.php[2464]:file(), CactiErrorHandler()) 2024/05/16 11:54:05 - ERROR PHP WARNING in Plugin 'mactrack': file(): Failed to enable crypto in file: /usr/share/cacti/plugins/mactrack/lib/mactrack_functions.php on line: 2464 2024/05/16 11:54:05 - CMDPHP PHP ERROR WARNING Backtrace: (/plugins/mactrack/mactrack_utilities.php[70]:import_oui_database(), /plugins/mactrack/lib/mactrack_functions.php[2464]:file(), CactiErrorHandler()) 2024/05/16 11:54:05 - ERROR PHP WARNING in Plugin 'mactrack': file(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed in file: /usr/share/cacti/plugins/mactrack/lib/mactrack_functions.php on line: 2464 2024/05/16 11:29:16 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 11:29:02 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 11:29:00 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 11:29:00 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 11:28:48 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 11:28:36 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 11:28:33 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 11:27:27 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: Cisco IOS Software, C2960X Software (C29, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 11:27:05 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 11:26:53 - MACTRACK ERROR: Site not found in database. Can not continue. 2024/05/16 11:26:53 - MACTRACK ERROR: Site not found in database. Can not continue. 2024/05/16 09:17:40 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 09:17:36 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 09:17:26 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 09:17:24 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 09:17:12 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 09:17:10 - CMDPHP PHP ERROR WARNING Backtrace: (/plugins/mactrack/mactrack_utilities.php[70]:import_oui_database(), /plugins/mactrack/lib/mactrack_functions.php[2464]:file(), CactiErrorHandler()) 2024/05/16 09:17:10 - ERROR PHP WARNING in Plugin 'mactrack': file( failed to open stream: operation failed in file: /usr/share/cacti/plugins/mactrack/lib/mactrack_functions.php on line: 2464 2024/05/16 09:17:10 - CMDPHP PHP ERROR WARNING Backtrace: (/plugins/mactrack/mactrack_utilities.php[70]:import_oui_database(), /plugins/mactrack/lib/mactrack_functions.php[2464]:file(), CactiErrorHandler()) 2024/05/16 09:17:10 - ERROR PHP WARNING in Plugin 'mactrack': file(): Failed to enable crypto in file: /usr/share/cacti/plugins/mactrack/lib/mactrack_functions.php on line: 2464 2024/05/16 09:17:10 - CMDPHP PHP ERROR WARNING Backtrace: (/plugins/mactrack/mactrack_utilities.php[70]:import_oui_database(), /plugins/mactrack/lib/mactrack_functions.php[2464]:file(), CactiErrorHandler()) 2024/05/16 09:17:10 - ERROR PHP WARNING in Plugin 'mactrack': file(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed in file: /usr/share/cacti/plugins/mactrack/lib/mactrack_functions.php on line: 2464 2024/05/16 09:15:10 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: Cisco IOS Software [Bengaluru], Catalyst, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 09:15:02 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 09:15:02 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 09:14:44 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 09:14:34 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 09:14:30 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 09:14:30 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 09:11:16 - CMDPHP ERROR: debounce key was truncated from debounce_page_error_mactrack_view_macs.php?report=macs to debounce_page_error_mactrack_view_macs.php?report= Backtrace: (/help.php[37]:debounce_run_notification(), /lib/functions.php[7328]:cacti_debug_backtrace()) 2024/05/16 09:11:15 - CMDPHP ERROR: debounce key was truncated from debounce_page_error_mactrack_view_arp.php?report=arp&header=false&site_id=2&device_id= 626&rows=-1&mac_filter_type_id=1&mac_filter=&filter=&ip_filter_type_id=1&ip_filter=&scan_date=1 to debounce_page_error_mactrack_view_arp.php?report=a Backtrace: (/help.php[37]:debounce_run_notification(), /lib/functions.php[7328]:cacti_debug_backtrace()) 2024/05/16 09:11:14 - CMDPHP ERROR: debounce key was truncated from debounce_page_error_mactrack_view_arp.php?report=arp&header=false&site_id=2&device_id= 626&rows=-1&mac_filter_type_id=1&mac_filter=&filter=&ip_filter_type_id=1&ip_filter=&scan_date=1 to debounce_page_error_mactrack_view_arp.php?report=a Backtrace: (/help.php[37]:debounce_run_notification(), /lib/functions.php[7328]:cacti_debug_backtrace()) 2024/05/16 08:53:38 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 08:53:34 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 08:53:24 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 08:53:22 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 08:53:02 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 08:51:02 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: Cisco IOS Software [Bengaluru], Catalyst, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 08:50:56 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 08:50:52 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 08:50:34 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 08:50:30 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: Cisco IOS Software, IOS-XE Software, Cat, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 08:50:24 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 08:50:20 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 08:50:20 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/16 08:40:06 - CMDPHP PHP ERROR WARNING Backtrace: (/plugins/mactrack/mactrack_utilities.php[70]:import_oui_database(), /plugins/mactrack/lib/mactrack_functions.php[2464]:file(), CactiErrorHandler()) 2024/05/16 08:40:06 - ERROR PHP WARNING in Plugin 'mactrack': file( failed to open stream: operation failed in file: /usr/share/cacti/plugins/mactrack/lib/mactrack_functions.php on line: 2464 2024/05/16 08:40:06 - CMDPHP PHP ERROR WARNING Backtrace: (/plugins/mactrack/mactrack_utilities.php[70]:import_oui_database(), /plugins/mactrack/lib/mactrack_functions.php[2464]:file(), CactiErrorHandler()) 2024/05/16 08:40:06 - ERROR PHP WARNING in Plugin 'mactrack': file(): Failed to enable crypto in file: /usr/share/cacti/plugins/mactrack/lib/mactrack_functions.php on line: 2464 2024/05/16 08:40:06 - CMDPHP PHP ERROR WARNING Backtrace: (/plugins/mactrack/mactrack_utilities.php[70]:import_oui_database(), /plugins/mactrack/lib/mactrack_functions.php[2464]:file(), CactiErrorHandler()) 2024/05/16 08:40:06 - ERROR PHP WARNING in Plugin 'mactrack': file(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed in file: /usr/share/cacti/plugins/mactrack/lib/mactrack_functions.php on line: 2464 2024/05/15 13:08:06 - MACTRACK ERROR: Site not found in database. Can not continue. 2024/05/15 12:46:18 - MACTRACK ERROR: Site not found in database. Can not continue. 2024/05/15 12:46:18 - MACTRACK ERROR: Site not found in database. Can not continue. 2024/05/14 13:07:56 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 13:07:54 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 13:07:54 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 13:07:44 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 13:07:40 - MACTRACK ERROR: Site not found in database. Can not continue. 2024/05/14 13:07:40 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 13:07:34 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 13:04:42 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 13:04:28 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 13:02:46 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 13:02:42 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 13:02:32 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 13:02:32 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:57:43 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:57:25 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location., IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: Cisco IOS Software [Amsterdam], c8000be , ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:55:18 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:52:13 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:52:10 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:51:36 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:47:54 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:47:52 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:47:50 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:47:34 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:47:06 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:46:52 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:46:46 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:46:28 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: Cisco IOS Software [Bengaluru], Catalyst, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:46:26 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:46:18 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:46:14 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:46:12 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:44:36 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:44:36 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:44:31 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:44:29 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:43:54 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:43:38 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:43:36 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:43:36 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:43:20 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:43:20 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:43:06 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:41:53 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: Cisco IOS Software, C2960X Software (C29, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:41:31 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/14 12:41:19 - MACTRACK ERROR: Site not found in database. Can not continue. 2024/05/14 12:41:19 - MACTRACK ERROR: Site not found in database. Can not continue. 2024/05/13 13:03:27 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 13:03:23 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 13:03:21 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 13:03:09 - MACTRACK ERROR: Site not found in database. Can not continue. 2024/05/13 13:03:09 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 13:03:09 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 13:03:00 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 13:00:10 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:59:56 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:58:12 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:58:06 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:58:00 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:57:58 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:53:10 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:52:52 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location., IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: Cisco IOS Software [Amsterdam], c8000be , ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:50:43 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:47:27 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:47:26 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:46:47 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:43:05 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:43:03 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:43:01 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:42:49 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:42:17 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:42:01 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:41:53 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:41:35 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: Cisco IOS Software [Bengaluru], Catalyst, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:41:33 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:41:25 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:41:19 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:41:19 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:39:40 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:39:40 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:39:35 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:39:35 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:38:58 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:38:42 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:38:40 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:38:38 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:38:28 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:38:24 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:38:14 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:37:36 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:36:52 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: Cisco IOS Software, C2960X Software (C29, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:36:30 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/13 12:36:18 - MACTRACK ERROR: Site not found in database. Can not continue. 2024/05/13 12:36:18 - MACTRACK ERROR: Site not found in database. Can not continue. 2024/05/12 12:57:07 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:57:05 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:57:05 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:56:53 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:56:51 - MACTRACK ERROR: Site not found in database. Can not continue. 2024/05/12 12:56:51 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:56:43 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:53:49 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:53:35 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:51:54 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:51:50 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:51:42 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:51:40 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:46:52 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:46:36 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location., IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: Cisco IOS Software [Amsterdam], c8000be , ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:45:11 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:41:56 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:41:55 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:41:17 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:37:45 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:37:35 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:37:27 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:37:21 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:36:51 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:36:39 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:36:35 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:36:17 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: Cisco IOS Software [Bengaluru], Catalyst, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:36:15 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:36:05 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:36:03 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:36:01 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:34:29 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:34:27 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:34:24 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:34:24 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:33:49 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:33:33 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:33:33 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:33:31 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:33:19 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:33:13 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:33:05 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:32:30 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:31:50 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: Cisco IOS Software, C2960X Software (C29, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:31:30 - MACTRACK WARNING: SITE: Redacting Location, IP: Redacting IP, TYPE: U, ERROR: Device Type Not Found in Device Type Table. 2024/05/12 12:31:18 - MACTRACK ERROR: Site not found in database. Can not continue. 2024/05/12 12:31:18 - MACTRACK ERROR: Site not found in database. Can not continue.

xmacan commented 1 month ago

your cacti needs access to internet for download oui.txt from or

second - you have installed mactrack incorrectly. Missing table mac_track_sites. Try to disable and enable plugin in console -> configuration -> plugins

Your issues are about incorrect configuration/setting not about errors in mactrack plugin. If you still have problem, try our forum

jdcoats commented 1 month ago

Also make sure your device types are matching. There was a change a while back where you need wild cards for the device types sysdescription.


AdamMason1877 commented 1 month ago

Is this all able to be done through the regular GUI or do I need to access this during the initial setup or some underlying system only accessible via the CLI?

The strange thing is all of our locations are listed under the sites tab.

On Fri, May 17, 2024 at 9:19 AM jdcoats @.***> wrote:

Also make sure your device types are matching. There was a change a while back where you need wild cards for the device types sysdescription.

image.png (view on web)

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jdcoats commented 1 month ago

All from the gui