Cacti / plugin_reportit

ReportIt Plugin for Cacti
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Reports marked as public not available to Everyone #46

Closed ikorzha closed 5 years ago

ikorzha commented 5 years ago

If you navigate to console-->reports->Click edit report and mark it as public hit save:


Then from report filter same report shows as NOT public:. This issue result in situation that only owner can see a report that was marked as Public image

netniV commented 5 years ago

This sounds like the save is actually failing, anything in the logs?

netniV commented 5 years ago

I think you'll find that in plugin_reporit_reports the report doesn't have a value in the public column.

ikorzha commented 5 years ago

There is nothing in the logs. I have looked at table: plugin_reporit_reports and it does have value of 1 for publish and value of 1 for scheduled. However both of these fields on reporting page show as "no"

See screenshot attached: I am also attaching an sql export of that table, feel free to import it into your db for testing: plugin_reportit_reports.txt


netniV commented 5 years ago

1? That sounds wrong because it should be '' (off/false) or 'on' (on/true)

netniV commented 5 years ago

@ikorzha Can you download the latest dev version and try again? I'm sure this is corrected now.

ikorzha commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately I have to state that it is not corrected. My steps: Console ->Reports->"Click on the actual report"-> See screenshot below: As you can see public check-mark is present and saved. image

However on reports screen on console no checkmark is present, there is a disconnect between these 2 fields: image

Additionally I want to mention that report saving doesn't honor any setting "saves" to scheduling portion of report: image

netniV commented 5 years ago

Any errors in the logs?

netniV commented 5 years ago

So, your import says that the report is public: image

All I did was keep just the INSERT INTO line, remove everything on that line upto and include the first bracket, then put a new line after the closing bracket and remove that, plus the "VALUS" text and opening bracket. Then removed the closing bracket and semi colon and then replace all the backticks(`) that were left with single quotes.

This leaves you with a CSV importable file, which I loaded into Numbers on my Mac to get the above screenshot. So, now the question is, why does your import think it's public but not public.

netniV commented 5 years ago

So more changes have been pushed. Saving should now work for reports.

ikorzha commented 5 years ago

You are making process here: Report when now marked as public retain their properties: This issue resolved. image

Changes to scheduled items still do not get saved: image

ikorzha commented 5 years ago

netniV, here is animated gif to demonstrate the issue with saving of "scheduling reporting" scheduling-not-working

netniV commented 5 years ago

I have an update shortly, that should hopefully resolve half of this.

netniV commented 5 years ago

It's part of a larger issue #53

netniV commented 5 years ago

Scheduling is also under #24 so I'm going to close this for now.