Cacti / plugin_thold

Thold Plugin for Cacti
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Missing filed inside a device notification email #634

Closed arno-st closed 7 months ago

arno-st commented 9 months ago

Hello, I just upgrade my thold from the latest dev repo (as of today second of November).

And now when I receive a device down notification the header look like this: Device Error: ( is DOWN

And the email like that: ` System Error : ( is Reason:

Average system response: 5.56 ms System availability: 99.04 % Total Checks Since Clear: 1949046 Total Failed Checks: 18802 Last Date Checked DOWN : 2023-11-02 12:44:09 Device Previously UP for: 4m NOTES: Device NOTES: `

Before it was like this: Device Error: se-ech-8502 ( is DOWN

And the email: System Error : se-ech-8502 ( is DOWN Reason: SNMP not performed due to setting or ping result, ICMP: Ping timed out

Average system response: 5.56 ms System availability: 99.04 % Total Checks Since Clear: 1948881 Total Failed Checks: 18784 Last Date Checked DOWN : 2023-11-02 09:59:11 Device Previously UP for: 4m NOTES: EZV: En service Device NOTES:

The contend of the DOWN Subject or DOWN Messaged under Configuration 'Alert/Thold' hasen't change.

And I'ts the same from the Restoral message.

Cacti 1.2.25 Thold 1.8 (but since a while ;) )

TheWitness commented 8 months ago

This is likely not a bug. Check your Thold Device Down Subject and make sure that still exists in it. It'll be in Console > Configuration > Settings > Thold. You can see the default below:

arno-st commented 8 months ago

Well it' happen with an upgrade of the dev repo 2weeks ago, I didn't change myThold setting.

And I have this in the config: Device Error: <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>) is DOWN And the message is only displaying that: Device Error: ( is DOWN Missing the DESCRIPTION

and before the upgrade it was: Device Error: se-ech-8502 ( is DOWN

Include the DESCRIPTION in this case.

And the all email is empty: `System Error : ( is Reason:

Average system response: 79.37 ms System availability: 92.82 % Total Checks Since Clear: 216433 Total Failed Checks: 15541 Last Date Checked DOWN : 2023-11-13 08:20:05 Device Previously UP for: 4m NOTES: Device NOTES: `

and the config is: System Error : <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>) is <DOWN/UP><br>Reason: <MESSAGE><br><br>Average system response: <AVG_TIME> ms<br>System availability: <AVAILABILITY><br>Total Checks Since Clear: <TOT_POLL><br>Total Failed Checks: <FAIL_POLL><br>Last Date Checked DOWN : <LAST_FAIL><br>Device Previously UP for: <DOWNTIME><br>NOTES: <NOTES><br>Device NOTES: <DNOTES>

So sorry but I don't see what is causing this issue on my side.

arno-st commented 8 months ago

So I find the issue. On sept 19 you made a change for the fix str_replace null value deprecated (#620)

change made on line 7750 of thold_function.php (the cacti log is to help me find the issue)

`function thold_str_replace($search, $replace, $subject) { cacti_log("thold_str_replace: " .print_r($search, true), true, "thold"); cacti_log("thold_str_replace replace: " .print_r($replace, true), true, "thold"); cacti_log("thold_str_replace: " .print_r(($replace == 0), true), true, "thold");

    if (empty($replace) || $replace == 0) {
            $replace = '';

cacti_log("thold_str_replace end: " .print_r($replace, true), true, "thold"); return str_replace($search, $replace, $subject); }` and since then it dosen't work correctly.

And here is the output when a device is going down, the $host from polling.php is correct; but when I enter into thold_str_replace here is what I get:

` 13/11/2023 18:06:17 - thold thold_str_replace:

13/11/2023 18:06:17 - thold thold_str_replace replace:

13/11/2023 18:06:17 - thold thold_str_replace:

13/11/2023 18:06:17 - thold thold_str_replace end:

13/11/2023 18:06:17 - thold thold_str_replace:

13/11/2023 18:06:17 - thold thold_str_replace replace: se-test-ws-c3560cx-12pd-s

13/11/2023 18:06:17 - thold thold_str_replace: 1

13/11/2023 18:06:17 - thold thold_str_replace end:


Just for the 2 field needed for the $subject field. The HOSTNAME is exchanged with the IP address of my device (you can see with this line: thold thold_str_replace end:

But the DESCRIPTION is somehow screw up, and at the end it result is: thold thold_str_replace end:

But when entering the function I find the right value: thold thold_str_replace replace: se-test-ws-c3560cx-12pd-s

but the test $replace == 0 is returning true so replace is change with this line $replace = ''

I have other field that are screw up, like NOTES, all SNMP_*, MESSAGE, SITE, DOWN/UP

Did you follow me or I'm to inside my mind and not clear enough ? PS: Sorry put I can't the code inside the correct format!?!

arno-st commented 7 months ago

So some news, It's happen on all thold message. Now I receive an alert about a power supply on a switch, the Alert message is suppose to give me the URL of the graph, but it's not! The email I got:

Device: sre-b30-130 (
URL: Link to Graph in Cacti
Message: ALERT:sre-b30-130 - Cisco Env - Switch 2 Power Supply 2 [SupplyState] went below Threshold of 500 m with 0

And the Thold message configuration:

An Alert has been issued that requires your attention. <br><br><strong>Device</strong>: <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>)<br><strong>URL</strong>: <URL><br><strong>Message</strong>: <SUBJECT><br><br><GRAPH>

Why the link to the graph, is just showing a text, instead of the real link to the graph ?

And I think, as eplain in the previous post, that it still a bug!

TheWitness commented 7 months ago

You need to specify HTML Email on the Console > Configuration > Settings > Alert/Thresholds page.

arno-st commented 7 months ago

No that's not the case.

it's really en relation with the change you made on september 19, sorry I try everything you propose, but the only way to make it work as it should be is changing the line I inform you 3 weeks ago, all other stuff is irrelevant.

And again I didn't change the format of my email, but the code change and then it's messy now ;)

TheWitness commented 7 months ago

Okay interesting. Can you propose a solution via a pull request? Also @xmacan can you look into this one?

xmacan commented 7 months ago

ok, I will have a look on it.

xmacan commented 7 months ago

@arno-st I think that you have PHP version < 8.0. Look here PHP below 8.0: `<?php

$a = "Hi"; if ($a == 0) { echo "true"; } else { echo "false"; }` Here is true returned. Newer php returns false;

arno-st commented 7 months ago

Ok, just to update. It's working fine, thanks

And yes I have PHP 7.4.33