Cacti / plugin_weathermap

Weathermap for Cacti 1.x
MIT License
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Cacti 1.2.25 and Weathermap 0.98a #131

Closed alcatron closed 3 months ago

alcatron commented 7 months ago

Just updated from Cacti 1.2.23 to 1.2.25 and all of a sudden i see this in the logs.. however it doesnt affect weathermap operations.. is there a way to clear this? Running Weathermap 0.98a

PLUGIN WARNING: Plugin 'weathermap' is attempting to call 'api_plugin_register_realm' improperly in function 'weathermap_config_arrays'

TheWitness commented 7 months ago

My recommendation would be to get yourself onto the latest Cacti development version here. It's located here:

There are still a few bugs and issues. So, review the issue list and carefully before upgrading. Lot's of people are using it. Just need some time to get to the open bugs.

alcatron commented 7 months ago

Hi Witness, I have tried the latest branch 1.1 and it appears to be working ok.

However can I make some recommendations for you so that the hovering is working good over links because right now in 1.11 it is squeezed way out the graph and doesn't seem sized properly like previous versions.

In /usr/share/cacti/plugins/weathermap/js/weathermap.js I also had to modify the following so the hover sizing is right

ui.tooltip.css('min-width', '200px');

The previous value was 600 which didn't really suit.

Also the hover sizing of the graphs made them too squeezed/small, I found these settings the most optimal and nicely sized hover graphs.

2023-12-04 18 29 00

TheWitness commented 7 months ago

We welcome pull requests. Please create one.

alcatron commented 7 months ago

sorry, im not really a developer so im not sure what you mean by pull request, but i did try to go to the option of a pull request and its just greyed out for me and nothing else to select so im not sure what im exactly doing.

Im just trying to contribute to make the newer version better.

TheWitness commented 7 months ago

It's not the complicated. Click on the 'fork' word in the top right, and GitHub will make a copy under your account. Then go to the files in the location and Edit the file that needs to be changed. Once you are done making changes, a button should show up to "Contribute" or "Create Pull Request" where you can contribute your minor changes back to the Cacti version of the Repo. Give it a shot.

alcatron commented 7 months ago

ok thanks, i worked it out should see it.

What about inside cacti weathermap tab options, what file is that kept in? (one i screenshot)

TheWitness commented 7 months ago

Usually the setup.php. look for config_settings hook.

alcatron commented 7 months ago

ok i found it in setup.php in weathermap plugin.. when you make the changes manually in the cacti tab "configuration > settings> Weathermap", where are they changes actually saved in, what file?

TheWitness commented 7 months ago

They get saved to the settings table in MySQL/MariaDB.

TheWitness commented 3 months ago

Nothing left to do I think. Pull requests are always welcome.