computed field has_relevant_change(changelog_rule)
hasura-permission based filtering according to computed fields for reporter, recertifier
Next Steps
[x] Test performance with large rule set @tpurschke - perf test with 880 rules takes 3s unfiltered and 160s with 5 networks; re-generating takes about the same time
[x] remove all section header when filtering for IP addresses
[x] adjust ip mapping in stored procedures to new ip ranges in tenant_network table
[x] Find out performance/functional differences between views/materialized views/computed_fields, ...
[x] verify current ip filtering functionality in filter line (not implemented, just tenant-filtering in LSB)
[x] design filter logic within API
[x] add tenant_network table
[x] add view_tenant_rules materialized view
[x] add sample tenant networks via API directly to test reporting (include this in ansible installer for demo systems)
[x] decide on how to filter groups (flattening, ...)
[x] also need to add views for sub tables: rule_to, rule_from, ...
[x] ~change all existing reports from using rule table to view_tenant_rules~ -> not necessary with current approach
[x] finally remove all permissions for reporter role from rule, rule_to, rule_from
[x] find a way to filter out irrelevant rule parts for a tenant (lines 4, 6 below)
[x] #2202
[x] #2214
[ ] adjust help pages
[x] add disclaimer: If used, no API access must be provided to Reporter Users (not needed with latest approach)
[ ] add tenant filtering to recertification page?
[ ] write unit tests
[x] #2279
[x] #1701
[x] #2280
[x] #2284
[x] in tenant-filtered report export, only show devices the user is allowed to see (also in simulated mode!)
[x] #2306
UI settings
[ ] reverse collapse state (collapse unfiltered and hidden, show gateways of shared managements)
[ ] when editing tenant - device mappings, collapse all default value is wrong
[ ] when saving tenant_networks ( Save tenant - Unclassified error: : Foreign key violation. insert or update on table "tenant_network" violates foreign key constraint "tenant_network_tenant_id_fkey" . See log for details!
[ ] tenant sorting does not work as expected (when UI is German?)
[ ] double-check if adding all devices to tenant0 is really necessary
advanced (later)
[ ] re-generate JWTs of currently logged-in users belonging to a changed tenant?
[ ] saving tenant-mapping: in case of error during writing: restore old mappings for the tenant? (which have just been deleted)
[ ] RSB: show objects for unfiltered managements
[ ] add btree index for ip (range) operations (see compliance module for reference)
[ ] might add nightly scheduler for calculating tenant mapping in extra n:m tables tenant_object_mapping and tenant_rule_mapping
Possible Implementations
Current Implementation Approach
{rule, rule-to, rule-from, object}_relevant_for_tenant(...)
Next Steps
UI settings
advanced (later)
filter logic