CadQuery / CQ-editor

CadQuery GUI editor based on PyQT
Apache License 2.0
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CQ Editor cannot find files in module search path #439

Open lenianiva opened 1 month ago

lenianiva commented 1 month ago

Consider a project setup like this:

|- pyproject.toml
|- poetry.lock
|- mylib
|- example



def mystery():
    return Cq.Workplane().box(10, 5, 5)

in a poetry shell environment, this succeeds:

(mylib-3.12) [example/] $ python3 -c "import mylib.mystery"

but if contains any reference to import mylib.mystery, loading it up in cq-editor will fail, unless the script starts with this:

import os, sys, os.path

root = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())


import mylib.mystery

The spooky thing is after this part of the script is loaded into cq-editor, commenting it out would not reintroduce the import error. Is there a way for cq-editor to recognize the current venv so it can load libraries referenced by cad scripts?

lenianiva commented 1 month ago

Addendum: This seems to be a problem with sys.path

The sys.path outside of cq-editor is

(mylib-3.12) [example/] python3 -c "import sys; print(sys.path)"
['', '/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python3.12', '/usr/lib/python3.12/lib-dynload', '/home/aniva/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/nhf-Q4XoAPRK-py3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages', '/home/aniva/Projects/mylib']

The sys.path inside cq-editor is

['/opt/cq-editor-bin/', '/opt/cq-editor-bin', '/opt/cq-editor-bin/IPython/extensions']

I think it would be nice if there is an option to inherit sys.path from the current environment

adam-urbanczyk commented 1 month ago

You seem to be using the packaged CQ-editor, so it has no relation with your venv. Does using preferences->debugger->Add script dir to path solve your issue?

Reading your question for the second time, what I mention above won't help. For now you could install your module in the (conda) env shipped with the installer.

lenianiva commented 1 month ago

You seem to be using the packaged CQ-editor, so it has no relation with your venv. Does using preferences->debugger->Add script dir to path solve your issue?

Reading your question for the second time, what I mention above won't help. For now you could install your module in the (conda) env shipped with the installer.

I found a workaround which is to put a sentinel file at the project root like this:

import mylib.mystery

obj = mylib.mystery.mystery()

but when I made changes to the object, cq-editor cannot pick it up even if I click Render. This is not a major problem since I can just copy whatever object I'm working on to this sentinel file.

Edit: and the workaround of this is to either use the new nightly version (enabling "Reload imported modules") or add the following in the sentinel file


import importlib



will react to changes in and will update correctly upon pressing Render (F5).

adam-urbanczyk commented 1 month ago

So I think the conclusion here is that CQ-editor has no "ope dir" or "open project" functionality. Might be a nice thing to add.