Open mryndzionek opened 1 year ago
I am not able to reproduce this error. What version of CadQuery are you running, and how did you install it?
I am not able to reproduce this error. What version of CadQuery are you running, and how did you install it?
2.3.1, installed using pip. Tested on Python 3.8 and 3.9.
Ok, I can reproduce with CadQuery 2.3.1, but cannot with the latest git version, so it has been fixed. I don't have time to track down exactly where right now, but I'm guessing it was during the rework of topology traversal.
Can you install CadQuery from git and try again?
Ok, I can reproduce with CadQuery 2.3.1, but cannot with the latest git version, so it has been fixed. I don't have time to track down exactly where right now, but I'm guessing it was during the rework of topology traversal.
Can you install CadQuery from git and try again?
I installed using:
pip install git+
Reported version is: 2.4.0.dev0, but I still hit the same error.
Could you maybe specify your env completely?
Your code above has show_object
. Are you running it in CQ-editor? If so, how did you install it? It could be running the version of CQ that was bundled with CQ-editor.
Could you maybe specify your env completely?
What exactly do you need? I've installed CQ-Editor in a fresh venv. Added:
Your code above has
. Are you running it in CQ-editor? If so, how did you install it? It could be running the version of CQ that was bundled with CQ-editor.
Yes, I'm running in CQ-editor. Fresh install in clean venv. I'm printing version from my script, so pretty sure CQ-editor uses 2.4.0.dev0
. I also tried cq-cli
- same error.
Could you maybe specify your env completely?
What exactly do you need? I've installed CQ-Editor in a fresh venv. Added:
This conda list
or this pip list
Could you maybe specify your env completely?
What exactly do you need? I've installed CQ-Editor in a fresh venv. Added:
conda list
or thispip list
Does downgrading multimethod to 1.9.1 solve the issue?
Does downgrading multimethod to 1.9.1 solve the issue?
Okay, yes, it does. Thanks!
@adam-urbanczyk Do we need to change the conda and pip version pins for now?
Yes, I think so
@mryndzionek I cannot reproduce your issue locally.
@mryndzionek I cannot reproduce your issue locally.
What can I say, I posted the 'pip list' above. With this environment I definitely hit the error.
I do get a regression on the tests though, so there is some kind of problem.
I can reproduce the error with a Python 3.9.18 env:
(mm110py39) [lorenzn@fedora tmp]$ python test.pyTraceback (most recent call last): File "/tmp/", line 15, in cq.Workplane("XZ") # helix is moving up the Z axis File "/home/lorenzn/tools/mambaforge_230901/envs/mm110py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/cadquery/", line 3196, in sweep r = self._sweep( File "/home/lorenzn/tools/mambaforge_230901/envs/mm110py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/cadquery/", line 3804, in _sweep thisObj = Solid.sweep(f, p, makeSolid, isFrenet, mode, transition) File "/home/lorenzn/tools/mambaforge_230901/envs/mm110py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/cadquery/", line 50, in __call__ return super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/lorenzn/tools/mambaforge_230901/envs/mm110py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/multimethod/", line 326, in __call__ func = self[tuple(func(arg) for func, arg in zip(self.type_checkers, args))] File "/home/lorenzn/tools/mambaforge_230901/envs/mm110py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/multimethod/", line 326, in func = self[tuple(func(arg) for func, arg in zip(self.type_checkers, args))] File "/home/lorenzn/tools/mambaforge_230901/envs/mm110py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/multimethod/", line 131, in get_type if not isinstance(arg, self.__origin__): # no need to check subscripts File "/home/lorenzn/tools/mambaforge_230901/envs/mm110py39/lib/python3.9/", line 347, in __instancecheck__ raise TypeError(f"{self} cannot be used with isinstance()") TypeError: typing_extensions.Literal cannot be used with isinstance() (mm110py39) [lorenzn@fedora tmp]$ conda list # packages in environment at /home/lorenzn/tools/mambaforge_230901/envs/mm110py39: # # Name Version Build Channel _libgcc_mutex 0.1 conda_forge conda-forge _openmp_mutex 4.5 2_gnu conda-forge aiohttp 3.8.6 py39hd1e30aa_1 conda-forge aiosignal 1.3.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge alsa-lib 1.2.8 h166bdaf_0 conda-forge ampl-mp 3.1.0 h2cc385e_1006 conda-forge aom 3.5.0 h27087fc_0 conda-forge asttokens 2.4.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge async-timeout 4.0.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge attr 2.5.1 h166bdaf_1 conda-forge attrs 23.1.0 pyh71513ae_1 conda-forge backports 1.0 pyhd8ed1ab_3 conda-forge backports.functools_lru_cache 1.6.5 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge brotli 1.1.0 hd590300_1 conda-forge brotli-bin 1.1.0 hd590300_1 conda-forge bzip2 1.0.8 hd590300_5 conda-forge c-ares 1.21.0 hd590300_0 conda-forge ca-certificates 2023.7.22 hbcca054_0 conda-forge cadquery master 2.3.1_76_g7bc8c00 cadquery cairo 1.16.0 ha61ee94_1014 conda-forge casadi 3.6.3 py39h4b51453_1 conda-forge charset-normalizer 3.3.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge curl 8.1.2 h409715c_0 conda-forge dbus 1.13.6 h5008d03_3 conda-forge decorator 5.1.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge double-conversion 3.2.0 h27087fc_1 conda-forge eigen 3.4.0 h00ab1b0_0 conda-forge exceptiongroup 1.1.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge executing 2.0.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge expat 2.5.0 hcb278e6_1 conda-forge ezdxf 1.1.0 py39hda80f44_1 conda-forge ffmpeg 5.1.2 gpl_h8dda1f0_106 conda-forge fftw 3.3.10 nompi_hc118613_108 conda-forge font-ttf-dejavu-sans-mono 2.37 hab24e00_0 conda-forge font-ttf-inconsolata 3.000 h77eed37_0 conda-forge font-ttf-source-code-pro 2.038 h77eed37_0 conda-forge font-ttf-ubuntu 0.83 hab24e00_0 conda-forge fontconfig 2.14.2 h14ed4e7_0 conda-forge fonts-conda-ecosystem 1 0 conda-forge fonts-conda-forge 1 0 conda-forge fonttools 4.44.0 py39hd1e30aa_0 conda-forge freeimage 3.18.0 hca5c823_12 conda-forge freetype 2.12.1 h267a509_2 conda-forge frozenlist 1.4.0 py39hd1e30aa_1 conda-forge gettext 0.21.1 h27087fc_0 conda-forge gl2ps 1.4.2 h0708190_0 conda-forge glew 2.1.0 h9c3ff4c_2 conda-forge glib 2.78.1 hfc55251_0 conda-forge glib-tools 2.78.1 hfc55251_0 conda-forge gmp 6.2.1 h58526e2_0 conda-forge gnutls 3.7.8 hf3e180e_0 conda-forge graphite2 1.3.13 h58526e2_1001 conda-forge gst-plugins-base 1.22.0 h4243ec0_2 conda-forge gstreamer 1.22.0 h25f0c4b_2 conda-forge gstreamer-orc 0.4.34 hd590300_0 conda-forge harfbuzz 6.0.0 h8e241bc_0 conda-forge hdf4 4.2.15 h9772cbc_5 conda-forge hdf5 1.12.2 nompi_h4df4325_101 conda-forge icu 70.1 h27087fc_0 conda-forge idna 3.4 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge imath 3.1.6 h6239696_1 conda-forge ipopt 3.14.12 he6d3896_1 conda-forge ipython 8.17.2 pyh41d4057_0 conda-forge jack 1.9.22 h11f4161_0 conda-forge jedi 0.19.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge jpeg 9e h0b41bf4_3 conda-forge jsoncpp 1.9.5 h4bd325d_1 conda-forge jxrlib 1.1 h7f98852_2 conda-forge keyutils 1.6.1 h166bdaf_0 conda-forge krb5 1.20.1 h81ceb04_0 conda-forge lame 3.100 h166bdaf_1003 conda-forge lcms2 2.15 hfd0df8a_0 conda-forge ld_impl_linux-64 2.40 h41732ed_0 conda-forge lerc 4.0.0 h27087fc_0 conda-forge libaec 1.1.2 h59595ed_1 conda-forge libblas 3.9.0 19_linux64_openblas conda-forge libbrotlicommon 1.1.0 hd590300_1 conda-forge libbrotlidec 1.1.0 hd590300_1 conda-forge libbrotlienc 1.1.0 hd590300_1 conda-forge libcap 2.67 he9d0100_0 conda-forge libcblas 3.9.0 19_linux64_openblas conda-forge libclang 15.0.7 default_h7634d5b_3 conda-forge libclang13 15.0.7 default_h9986a30_3 conda-forge libcups 2.3.3 h36d4200_3 conda-forge libcurl 8.1.2 h409715c_0 conda-forge libdb 6.2.32 h9c3ff4c_0 conda-forge libdeflate 1.17 h0b41bf4_0 conda-forge libdrm 2.4.114 h166bdaf_0 conda-forge libedit 3.1.20191231 he28a2e2_2 conda-forge libev 4.33 h516909a_1 conda-forge libevent 2.1.10 h28343ad_4 conda-forge libexpat 2.5.0 hcb278e6_1 conda-forge libffi 3.4.2 h7f98852_5 conda-forge libflac 1.4.3 h59595ed_0 conda-forge libgcc-ng 13.2.0 h807b86a_2 conda-forge libgcrypt 1.10.2 hd590300_0 conda-forge libgfortran-ng 13.2.0 h69a702a_2 conda-forge libgfortran5 13.2.0 ha4646dd_2 conda-forge libglib 2.78.1 hebfc3b9_0 conda-forge libglu 9.0.0 he1b5a44_1001 conda-forge libgomp 13.2.0 h807b86a_2 conda-forge libgpg-error 1.47 h71f35ed_0 conda-forge libhwloc 2.9.1 hd6dc26d_0 conda-forge libiconv 1.17 h166bdaf_0 conda-forge libidn2 2.3.4 h166bdaf_0 conda-forge liblapack 3.9.0 19_linux64_openblas conda-forge libllvm15 15.0.7 hadd5161_1 conda-forge libnetcdf 4.9.1 nompi_h34a3ff0_101 conda-forge libnghttp2 1.55.1 h47da74e_0 conda-forge libnsl 2.0.1 hd590300_0 conda-forge libogg 1.3.4 h7f98852_1 conda-forge libopenblas 0.3.24 pthreads_h413a1c8_0 conda-forge libopus 1.3.1 h7f98852_1 conda-forge libosqp 0.6.3 h59595ed_0 conda-forge libpciaccess 0.17 h166bdaf_0 conda-forge libpng 1.6.39 h753d276_0 conda-forge libpq 15.3 hbcd7760_1 conda-forge libqdldl 0.1.5 h27087fc_1 conda-forge libraw 0.21.1 h89bc310_0 conda-forge libsndfile 1.2.2 hc60ed4a_1 conda-forge libspral 2023.08.02 h2baf039_0 conda-forge libsqlite 3.44.0 h2797004_0 conda-forge libssh2 1.11.0 h0841786_0 conda-forge libstdcxx-ng 13.2.0 h7e041cc_2 conda-forge libsystemd0 253 h8c4010b_1 conda-forge libtasn1 4.19.0 h166bdaf_0 conda-forge libtheora 1.1.1 h7f98852_1005 conda-forge libtiff 4.5.0 h6adf6a1_2 conda-forge libtool 2.4.7 h27087fc_0 conda-forge libudev1 253 h0b41bf4_1 conda-forge libunistring 0.9.10 h7f98852_0 conda-forge libuuid 2.38.1 h0b41bf4_0 conda-forge libva 2.18.0 h0b41bf4_0 conda-forge libvorbis 1.3.7 h9c3ff4c_0 conda-forge libvpx 1.11.0 h9c3ff4c_3 conda-forge libwebp-base 1.3.2 hd590300_0 conda-forge libxcb 1.13 h7f98852_1004 conda-forge libxkbcommon 1.5.0 h79f4944_1 conda-forge libxml2 2.10.3 hca2bb57_4 conda-forge libzip 1.10.1 h2629f0a_3 conda-forge libzlib 1.2.13 hd590300_5 conda-forge loguru 0.7.2 py39hf3d152e_1 conda-forge lz4-c 1.9.4 hcb278e6_0 conda-forge matplotlib-inline 0.1.6 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge metis 5.1.0 h59595ed_1007 conda-forge mpg123 1.32.3 h59595ed_0 conda-forge multidict 6.0.4 py39hd1e30aa_1 conda-forge multimethod 1.10 pypi_0 pypi mumps-include 5.2.1 ha770c72_11 conda-forge mumps-seq 5.2.1 h2104b81_11 conda-forge munkres 1.1.4 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge mysql-common 8.0.33 hf1915f5_6 conda-forge mysql-libs 8.0.33 hca2cd23_6 conda-forge ncurses 6.4 h59595ed_2 conda-forge nettle 3.8.1 hc379101_1 conda-forge nlohmann_json 3.11.2 h27087fc_0 conda-forge nlopt 2.7.1 py39h74f0fd2_4 conda-forge nptyping 2.5.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge nspr 4.35 h27087fc_0 conda-forge nss 3.94 h1d7d5a4_0 conda-forge numpy 1.26.0 py39h474f0d3_0 conda-forge occt 7.7.1 all_h16763a6_201 conda-forge ocp py39h256fbb3_1 conda-forge openexr 3.1.5 h0cdce71_2 conda-forge openh264 2.3.1 hcb278e6_2 conda-forge openjpeg 2.5.0 hfec8fc6_2 conda-forge openssl 3.1.4 hd590300_0 conda-forge p11-kit 0.24.1 hc5aa10d_0 conda-forge parso 0.8.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge pcre2 10.40 hc3806b6_0 conda-forge pexpect 4.8.0 pyh1a96a4e_2 conda-forge pickleshare 0.7.5 py_1003 conda-forge pip 23.3.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge pixman 0.42.2 h59595ed_0 conda-forge proj 9.1.1 h8ffa02c_2 conda-forge prompt-toolkit 3.0.39 pyha770c72_0 conda-forge prompt_toolkit 3.0.39 hd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge proxsuite 0.5.0 py39h7633fee_0 conda-forge pthread-stubs 0.4 h36c2ea0_1001 conda-forge ptyprocess 0.7.0 pyhd3deb0d_0 conda-forge pugixml 1.11.4 h59595ed_1 conda-forge pulseaudio 16.1 hcb278e6_3 conda-forge pulseaudio-client 16.1 h5195f5e_3 conda-forge pulseaudio-daemon 16.1 ha8d29e2_3 conda-forge pure_eval 0.2.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge pybind11-abi 4 hd8ed1ab_3 conda-forge pygments 2.16.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge pyparsing 3.1.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge python 3.9.18 h0755675_0_cpython conda-forge python_abi 3.9 4_cp39 conda-forge qt-main 5.15.8 h5d23da1_6 conda-forge rapidjson 1.1.0 he1b5a44_1002 conda-forge readline 8.2 h8228510_1 conda-forge scipy 1.11.3 py39h474f0d3_1 conda-forge scotch 6.0.9 hb2e6521_2 conda-forge setuptools 68.2.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge simde 0.7.6 h00ab1b0_0 conda-forge six 1.16.0 pyh6c4a22f_0 conda-forge sqlite 3.44.0 h2c6b66d_0 conda-forge stack_data 0.6.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge svt-av1 1.4.1 hcb278e6_0 conda-forge tbb 2021.9.0 hf52228f_0 conda-forge tbb-devel 2021.9.0 hf52228f_0 conda-forge tinyxml2 9.0.0 h9c3ff4c_2 conda-forge tk 8.6.13 noxft_h4845f30_101 conda-forge traitlets 5.13.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge typing-extensions 4.8.0 hd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge typing_extensions 4.8.0 pyha770c72_0 conda-forge typish 1.9.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge tzdata 2023c h71feb2d_0 conda-forge unicodedata2 15.1.0 py39hd1e30aa_0 conda-forge unixodbc 2.3.12 h661eb56_0 conda-forge utfcpp 4.0.1 ha770c72_0 conda-forge vtk 9.2.5 qt_py39hfb82713_203 conda-forge wcwidth 0.2.9 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge wheel 0.41.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge wslink 1.12.4 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge x264 1!164.3095 h166bdaf_2 conda-forge x265 3.5 h924138e_3 conda-forge xcb-util 0.4.0 h516909a_0 conda-forge xcb-util-image 0.4.0 h166bdaf_0 conda-forge xcb-util-keysyms 0.4.0 h516909a_0 conda-forge xcb-util-renderutil 0.3.9 h166bdaf_0 conda-forge xcb-util-wm 0.4.1 h516909a_0 conda-forge xkeyboard-config 2.38 h0b41bf4_0 conda-forge xorg-fixesproto 5.0 h7f98852_1002 conda-forge xorg-kbproto 1.0.7 h7f98852_1002 conda-forge xorg-libice 1.0.10 h7f98852_0 conda-forge xorg-libsm 1.2.3 hd9c2040_1000 conda-forge xorg-libx11 1.8.4 h0b41bf4_0 conda-forge xorg-libxau 1.0.11 hd590300_0 conda-forge xorg-libxdmcp 1.1.3 h7f98852_0 conda-forge xorg-libxext 1.3.4 h0b41bf4_2 conda-forge xorg-libxfixes 5.0.3 h7f98852_1004 conda-forge xorg-libxrender 0.9.10 h7f98852_1003 conda-forge xorg-libxt 1.3.0 hd590300_0 conda-forge xorg-renderproto 0.11.1 h7f98852_1002 conda-forge xorg-xextproto 7.3.0 h0b41bf4_1003 conda-forge xorg-xproto 7.0.31 h7f98852_1007 conda-forge xz 5.2.6 h166bdaf_0 conda-forge yarl 1.9.2 py39hd1e30aa_1 conda-forge zlib 1.2.13 hd590300_5 conda-forge zstd 1.5.5 hfc55251_0 conda-forge
I could not reproduce the error with Python 3.10.13, or 3.11.6 with multimethod 1.10.
I confirm I can also reproduce the failed tests/
with the multimethod 1.10 env (both the 3.10.13 and 3.11.6 envs).
Simple example:
ends with: