Open sam-vdp opened 11 months ago
That should be doable. Could you provide an example DXF/MRE for testing?
This is the file I was trying to load:
As a workaround I patched a dxf wires importer in my construction file like this:
def importDXFWires(filename: str, tol: float = 1e-6, exclude = [], include = []):
if exclude and include:
raise ValueError("you may specify either 'include' or 'exclude' but not both")
dxf = ezdxf.readfile(filename)
wires = []
layers = dxf.modelspace().groupby(dxfattrib="layer")
# normalize layer names to conform the DXF spec
names = set([name.lower() for name in layers.keys()])
if include:
selected = names & set([name.lower() for name in include])
elif exclude:
selected = names - set([name.lower() for name in exclude])
selected = names
if not selected:
raise ValueError("no DXF layers selected")
for name, layer in layers.items():
if name.lower() in selected:
res = dxf_import._dxf_convert(layers[name], tol)
return cq.Workplane("XY").newObject(wires)
cq.importers.importDXFWires = importDXFWires
The DXF importer at cadquery/occ_impl/importers/ tries to assemble the loaded file into faces and throws an error if this is not successful. It would be nice to be able to load DXF files that contain wires and edges, but no faces.
Removing the last three lines and returning a list of wires is basically sufficient.