CadQuery / cadquery

A python parametric CAD scripting framework based on OCCT
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Applying shell operator to extruded dxf shape leads to 'BRep_API: command not done' error #515

Open Jakob-em opened 3 years ago

Jakob-em commented 3 years ago

While trying to create 3d models from dxf files where the top and bottom of the shapes are removed, I ran into a problem. According to the documentation the shell operator does what I want, but when I apply it to an imported shape I get the following error:

~/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cadquery/ in shell(self, thickness, kind)
   1089         faces = [f for f in self.objects if isinstance(f, Face)]
-> 1091         s =, thickness, kind=kind)
   1092         return self.newObject([s])

~/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cadquery/occ_impl/ in shell(self, faceList, thickness, tolerance, kind)
   1861             shell_builder.Build()
-> 1862             rv = shell_builder.Shape()
   1864         else:  # if no faces provided a watertight solid will be constructed

StdFail_NotDone: BRep_API: command not done

This is the code I am using to generate the model:

result = cq.importers.importDXF('test.dxf').wires().toPending().extrude(10).faces('|Z').shell(1)

And this is a zip file containing an example dxf file:

I should mention that it works fine with very simple shapes like rectangles, but as soon as the shape is a little bit more complex I run into the error.

Is there something I am doing wrong or is this a bug?

jmwright commented 3 years ago

If you change the selector to "<Z" or ">Z" does it work? If so, it would probably be better to use offset2d to create an insert copy of the wire(s), and then extrude that. That should give you a tube-like object, which if sounds like is what you want.

Jakob-em commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the pointer with the offset2d, this should do what i want. But when I try to apply it to the imported wires I get the following error:

result = cq.importers.importDXF('test.dxf').wires().toPending().offset2D(1)
~/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cadquery/ in offset2D(self, d, kind)
   3652         ws = self._consolidateWires()
-> 3653         rv = list(chain.from_iterable(w.offset2D(d, kind) for w in ws))
   3655         self.ctx.pendingEdges = []

~/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cadquery/ in <genexpr>(.0)
   3652         ws = self._consolidateWires()
-> 3653         rv = list(chain.from_iterable(w.offset2D(d, kind) for w in ws))
   3655         self.ctx.pendingEdges = []

~/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cadquery/occ_impl/ in offset2D(self, d, kind)
   1544         offset.Perform(d)
-> 1546         obj = downcast(offset.Shape())
   1548         if isinstance(obj, TopoDS_Compound):

~/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cadquery/occ_impl/ in downcast(obj)
    305     """
--> 307     f_downcast: Any = downcast_LUT[shapetype(obj)]
    308     rv = f_downcast(obj)

~/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cadquery/occ_impl/ in shapetype(obj)
    296     if obj.IsNull():
--> 297         raise ValueError("Null TopoDS_Shape object")
    299     return obj.ShapeType()

ValueError: Null TopoDS_Shape object
adam-urbanczyk commented 3 years ago

Anything special about this DXF content? I see it has 4 edges, out of which 3 are B-splines. Does this work with a single B-spline edge?

Jakob-em commented 3 years ago

I tried it again with a lot of different shapes and now it seems to work. It seems like there was something wrong with the dxf. (Maybe i messed something up in inkscape). But now I run into a different problem which kinda looks like the original one:

After extruding the imported and offsetted dxf shape I want to apply a chamfer. This works fine with shapes that don't have any B-splines, but as soon as there is a single B-Spline in the imported shape I get the following error:

~\anaconda3\envs\cq-ocp\lib\site-packages\cadquery\ in chamfer(self, length, length2)
   1156             raise ValueError("Chamfer requires that edges be selected")
-> 1158         s = solid.chamfer(length, length2, edgeList)
   1160         return self.newObject([s])

~\anaconda3\envs\cq-ocp\lib\site-packages\cadquery\occ_impl\ in chamfer(self, length, length2, edgeList)
   1828                 d1, d2, e, TopoDS.Face_s(face)
   1829             )  # NB: edge_face_map return a generic TopoDS_Shape
-> 1830         return self.__class__(chamfer_builder.Shape())
   1832     def shell(

StdFail_NotDone: BRep_API: command not done

It is especially strange that it works when the offset is removed. I am using the following code:

result = cq.importers.importDXF('test.dxf').wires().toPending().offset2D(2).extrude(10).faces('>Z').chamfer(1)

in combination with this shape (a simple circle exported from inkscape as dxf)

Do you have any idea why this won't work?

adam-urbanczyk commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure why the above code does not work. The following does work (it uses a different way of constructing the offset):

result = (
