CadQuery / cadquery

A python parametric CAD scripting framework based on OCCT
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Proposal to add continuity support to Face.makeNSidedSurface and potentially Solid/Workplane.interpPlate #885

Open NothanUmber opened 3 years ago

NothanUmber commented 3 years ago

Face.makeNSidedSurface is based on the OCCT class BRepOffsetAPI_MakeFilling. This class supports an interesting capability that is currently not exposed via makeNSidedSurface (and it's interpPlate wrappers in Solid and Workplane): It allows to define adjacent faces as continuity constraints, so the newly created surface is tangential towards these faces.

Think it can be useful for scenarios where smooth surface transitions are desired.

Have played around with this and have a first proposal checked in here: Think it makes sense to discuss this first before opening a pull request.

There are some usage examples at the bottom of this file:

This proposal assumes that instead of just providing a list of boundary edges for the new surface, one can optionally provide a list of tuples of boundary edges and adjacent faces, the new surface should be tangential towards. The advantage of this interface design approach would be that one wouldn't have to provide a face constraint for all edges - e.g. if the surface shouldn't be tangential towards all adjacent faces or if some edge isn't even adjacent to any face. Currently not providing face constraints for all edges works unreliably though. In some cases the underlaying BRepOffsetAPI_MakeFilling will throw an error if only some edges have continuity face constraints and some don't. And in some cases it works. So the current interface proposal would put both the responsibility and the possibilities in the hands of the user - partial constraints (thus mixing tuples of edges and faces with just edges) are possible but may fail. Another approach might be to e.g. raise an exception if edge-face tuples and sole edges are mixed, so either all edges have to be constrained or none. (Less possibilities for errors, but semi-constrained cases that would actually work would also be ruled out that way). Or even a separate tangentialFaces parameter that has to contain one face for each edge in edges? (Would also only work for the fully constrained case)

There are still a number of open points:

Here a minimal useage example from the file above: o = 20 # outer side length i = 5 # inner side length h = 20 # height

surface_1 = cq.Face.makeFromWires(cq.Wire.makePolygon([cq.Vector(-i,-i,h), cq.Vector(-i,i,h), cq.Vector(-o,i,0), cq.Vector(-o,-i,0)])) surface_2 = cq.Face.makeFromWires(cq.Wire.makePolygon([cq.Vector(-5, -5, h), cq.Vector(i,-i,h), cq.Vector(i,-o,0),cq.Vector(-i,-o,0)])) surface_3 = cq.Face.makeFromWires(cq.Wire.makePolygon([cq.Vector(5, -5, h), cq.Vector(i,i,h), cq.Vector(o,i,0),cq.Vector(o,-i,0)])) surface_4 = cq.Face.makeFromWires(cq.Wire.makePolygon([cq.Vector(5, 5, h), cq.Vector(-i,i,h), cq.Vector(-i,o,0),cq.Vector(i,o,0)]))

connection_edge_surface_1 = cq.StringSyntaxSelector(">Z").filter(surface_1.Edges())[0] connection_edge_surface_2 = cq.StringSyntaxSelector(">Z").filter(surface_2.Edges())[0] connection_edge_surface_3 = cq.StringSyntaxSelector(">Z").filter(surface_3.Edges())[0] connection_edge_surface_4 = cq.StringSyntaxSelector(">Z").filter(surface_4.Edges())[0]

edges_with_face_constraints = [ (connection_edge_surface_1, surface_1), (connection_edge_surface_2, surface_2), (connection_edge_surface_3, surface_3), (connection_edge_surface_4, surface_4) ] new_surface_nsided = cq.Face.makeNSidedSurface( edges=edges_with_face_constraints, points = [], maxSegments=120)

obj = cq.Workplane().add(surface_1).add(surface_2).add(surface_3).add(surface_4).add(new_surface_nsided)

Which would look like this: grafik (The yellow face is the newly constructed one, the white faces were provided as tangential face constraints)

What do you think?

NothanUmber commented 3 years ago

Here the same with higher quality parameters (it seems to be an interative approximation approach): grafik

new_surface_thickness_0 = cq.Workplane().interpPlate(surf_edges=edges_with_face_constraints, thickness=0.0, combine=False, clean=False, degree=3, nbPtsOnCur=20, nbIter=4, anisotropy=False, tol2d=0.00001, tol3d=0.0001, tolAng=0.01, tolCurv=0.1, maxDeg=4, maxSegments=300 )

marcus7070 commented 3 years ago

This looks great to me. Making that surface with current CQ would be impossible (I think?).

I'm interested to hear @adam-urbanczyk opinion though.

adam-urbanczyk commented 3 years ago

I'm definitely +1 for extending makeNSidedSurface. I'll try to understand why G2 is ignored.