An AI-Empowered program for quickly sorting photos of animals, especially from camera traps. Outputs to a spreadsheet document in a visualization-friendly format. I created this for Action for Cheetahs in Kenya.
When you click the "choose folder" button, a dialog opens to allow you to choose a folder of images.
The dialog currently defaults to current User's "Photos" folder. It should instead default to folder above the last folder you selected. If that's not possible, it should instead default to the directory were the app is being run.
If the last folder selected was:
The dialogue should open at:
If this is the first time the folder was selected:
Choose the folder where the WildSort application is located
If the last folder selected was:
BUT, "E://" was unmounted, and the filepath is no longer valid:
Choose the folder where the WildSort application is located
[ ] Call the Slot() from FolderSelector.qml and use the return value as the folder to open the dialogue at (see example of slotbridge call in ReportBuilder.qml)
[ ] Have the Slot() call a function in to handle the logic
When you click the "choose folder" button, a dialog opens to allow you to choose a folder of images.
The dialog currently defaults to current User's "Photos" folder. It should instead default to folder above the last folder you selected. If that's not possible, it should instead default to the directory were the app is being run.
Example: If the last folder selected was: _"E://2023/CameraTraps/CameraB4" The dialogue should open at: "E://2023/CameraTraps"
If this is the first time the folder was selected: Choose the folder where the WildSort application is located
If the last folder selected was: _"E://2023/CameraTraps/CameraB4" BUT, "E://" was unmounted, and the filepath is no longer valid: Choose the folder where the WildSort application is located