Even though 256³ will probably work for our uses, I'm still curious why the segment-based voxelization goes ka-boom on 1024³. Update: this also happens on the vertex-based voxelization. Also, it doesn't crash on the voxelization itself, it's when we upload the data to the GPU. I'm good on GPU-memory, so it shouldn't be the problem. Maybe something with alignment? Hmm... going to have a closer look once I have more time.
Even though 256³ will probably work for our uses, I'm still curious why the segment-based voxelization goes ka-boom on 1024³. Update: this also happens on the vertex-based voxelization. Also, it doesn't crash on the voxelization itself, it's when we upload the data to the GPU. I'm good on GPU-memory, so it shouldn't be the problem. Maybe something with alignment? Hmm... going to have a closer look once I have more time.