Caffreyfans / IRbaby

基于 ESP8266 利用 IRext 开源红外库实现万能红外遥控,已对接 MQTT 协议,可轻松接入 HomeAssistant :bomb:
MIT License
450 stars 122 forks source link

english version or other #40

Closed kakw11 closed 2 years ago

kakw11 commented 2 years ago

Hello, Thank you for your great work, I am french and I would like to use your application is there an english version of irbaby.apk? Cordially

Caffreyfans commented 2 years ago

Hi kakw11, I try to develop incompatible version of IRbaby. It's an embedded web version. So I don't want to maintain old version. English feature will be added in new version. Best Regards Caffreyfans