On the first session we have created the high level architecture using diagram as code, but we want to deploy this application in multiple environments to reproduce a real case scenario where we run automated tests on the CI/CD pipelines.
Change the diagram so we can show the different environments, with the following rules:
We have 3 environments (test, acceptance and production) with the prefixes tst, acc and prd
The CI pipeline should run automated tests in test environment
The CD pipeline should:
Deploy to acceptance
Run automated tests in acceptance
Deploy to production
Run smoke tests in production
The Azure Container Registry (ACR) is shared between environments
Problem: On the first session we have created the high level architecture using diagram as code, but we want to deploy this application in multiple environments to reproduce a real case scenario where we run automated tests on the CI/CD pipelines.
Change the diagram so we can show the different environments, with the following rules: