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Customization of bottom rows #22

Open vgbmichael opened 1 year ago

vgbmichael commented 1 year ago

The text in the code box at the bottom mentions being able to "edit the names" with the write code feature, but after messing around with it for a while, I can't figure out how to do that. I can't seem to change the names or which pokémon are selectable, I can only seem to change which pokémon have already been selected.

Some advice or more clear instructions would be appreciated, thanks.

CajunAvenger commented 1 year ago

The Write Code button takes all your choices and writes them in clear-ish text, something you can read and the website can translate back onto the grid.

All this code represents is the choices you've made for each slot, including shininess. Clicking Import then translates whatever's written there back into the grid. When it does this, it isn't bound by the default options given, so long as the name exists. So if it gets to Gen 6 Fairy and reads "ARCEUS_17", it will find ARCEUS_17 (Fairy Arceus) exists, and put it into the grid.

Pokemon names this way are in all-caps and basic alphanumeric (SWELLOW, FLABEBE, CHIYU), with alternate forms listed with a _1, _2, etc tag generally increasing with release date, so Mega Venusaur is VENUSAUR_1 and G-Max Venusaur is VENUSAUR_2. For Pokemon in the grid, you can use Write Code to find their name, just have that as your only choice and click Write Code. For Pokemon that are Import-only, you can find their name in this file.

Write Code does not edit the options available in the default pop-ups, nor allow you to execute any code other than to begin the Import translator. Perhaps i should rename this to Export Code or Print Code.

vgbmichael commented 1 year ago

Oh, so I can't edit the names of categories or change what pokémon are available in those categories? Then I seriously misunderstood what that feature is for. My bad. Can I make a suggestion to change or add categories then?

vgbmichael commented 1 year ago

Okay, here's my suggestion: Have the "favorite box legendary" category include every non-sub legendary, not just the ones on game covers (and probably change the name to something like, "favorite main legendary") and also add a "favorite sub legendary" category. (If there's not enough room, you can replace "favorite spinda" cause literally no one has a favorite spinda pattern.)