CakeDC / cakephp-oracle-driver

CakePHP 3 Driver for Oracle Database
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Pagination error #49

Closed augustosabino closed 2 years ago

augustosabino commented 3 years ago


I'm starting to use the plug-in with Cakephp 4 and this is causing the problem below when accessing the user index:

1. Notice (8): Undefined index: count [CORE\src\Database\FieldTypeConverter.php, line 127].

And this error still occurs:

1. Argument 1 passed to Cake \ ORM \ Entity :: __ construct () must be of the type array, bool given, called in C: \ Developer \ xampp \ htdocs \ sispcmi \ vendor \ cakephp \ cakephp \ src \ ORM \ ResultSet.php on line 544

Does anyone know what these problems can be and how to fix them ???

I tested with MySQL and the error does not occur.


jmbIFR commented 3 years ago


I think this issue is related with issue #55

Can you try my fix :