CakeDC / users

Users Plugin for CakePHP
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Custom users.php configuration not working #948

Closed DJAxel closed 3 years ago

DJAxel commented 3 years ago

I'm having a hard time integrating the plugin into my existing CakePHP 4.2.5 application. I had my User model, the cakephp/authentication plugin and cakephp/authorization plugin already configured and working, and want to use CakeDC/users for the RBAC capabilities.

TL;DR Read the four questions at the very end.

Problem description As I understand from the installation docs, the plugin should be loaded and then a custom configuration file (config/users.php) can be set. The configuration docs mention that the "configuration setting must be set before loading the Users plugin". Either order did not work for me.

I copied the contents from /vendor/cakedc/users/config/users.php into a new file /config/users.php and changed the table and model classes accordingly:

$config = [
    'Users' => [
        // Table used to manage users
        'table' => 'Users',
        // Controller used to manage users plugin features & actions
        'controller' => 'Users',

        // more config stuff...

When trying to load my /users/ route, the Authorization plugin gives an exception because no authorization check was done in the given action. I did use $this->Authorization->skipAuthorization() in my own UsersController, so I believe CakeDC/Users is still using it's own controller. I unloaded the Authorization plugin and then the Authentication plugin (since I believe CakeDC already uses them under the hood), but that just results into a redirect from /users/ to the root folder of my server (one folder above my CakePHP application root folder).


Given the above, I have the following concrete questions which I think the documentation should be clear about:

DJAxel commented 3 years ago

Nobody knows the answer to this?

steinkel commented 3 years ago

Hi @DJAxel please post here or gist your current configuration (excluding secrets) to see if you have an issue loading the plugin.

About your questions

// The following configuration setting must be set before loading the Users plugin
Configure::write('Users.config', ['users']);
Plugin::load('CakeDC/Users', ['routes' => true, 'bootstrap' => true]);

Then you can override specific items in your Application::pluginBootstrap function, after the plugin is configured.

Your configuration is possibly not being loaded.

The plugin uses Authentication and Authorization and provides a default configuration for them, you are free to change/override this configuration, or tell the plugin NOT to load them and load them by yourself.

/users/ will route to UsersController::index by default, unless you create a specific route. Redirect is caused either when you are not authenticated and your login url is / or when you ARE authenticated but you are not allowed to access the action, in this case check your logs and you'll see traces about the RBAC rules failed.

If you want to review an existing project using a custom controller, check this one (note it's a bit old, but the same concepts)