CakeDC / users

Users Plugin for CakePHP
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Authentication per OTP Token via E-Mail/ SMS #980

Open Neluxx opened 2 years ago

Neluxx commented 2 years ago


is it possible with this plugin to implement authentication with an OTP token via email or SMS?

I have not found anything about it in the documentation. Only two-factor authentication via Google Authentication App, which I do not want to use.

I would like to extend the default login with username and password so that in a second step an OTP token is generated and sent to the user. Depending on the user's preference, the token will be sent by mail or SMS. The login should only happen if the token is entered correctly and has not expired yet.

Many thanks and best regards Fabian

ravage84 commented 2 years ago

@steinkel we were thinking about either extending the Users plugin via contribution, as we use it in several projects or just using an third party solution/package.

We currently use CakePHP 3.x but will soon upgrade.

steinkel commented 2 years ago

@ravage84 we'd love to integrate OTP via SMS/email. I think it's a feature we could define a bit more, for example:

For new features, we would be targeting the cake4 related version.

We'd love to help you or lead the development of this feature. If you already have some custom solution in place, please let us know and decide next steps.


ajibarra commented 2 years ago

@ravage84 @Neluxx

We are going to spend some time implementing this feature but we would love to hear your suggestions about how would you like this to work including the questions in the previous message and any other you want to add.