Cal-CS-61A-Staff / Check-In

Lab Assistant Checkin Platform
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Prevent refresh after editing an AI's checkin (nitpick) #161

Open rdejaen opened 5 years ago

rdejaen commented 5 years ago

If it could be avoidable, it'd be useful for the page to not refresh after editing someone's checkin. I periodically go through the people that sign in for my OH checking in case they accidentally sign in for more than an hour (like Lab instead of 1x Office Hours), and the page refreshes each time.

It happens when you're on the checkins tab on the TA console:

pbitutsky commented 5 years ago

Once you edit a checkin, the page has to refresh, otherwise you won't see your changes implemented in the table. Would this issue be solved if, once the page was refreshed, the search were persisted? E.g. if you search for "Paul Bitutsky", then perform some edits, then submit the form, you would be navigated back to but the table would still be searching for "Paul Bitutsky"?

rdejaen commented 5 years ago

That's a good idea! Would solve the issue I was having