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Cal Poly Experiences #102

Open atheobold opened 3 months ago

atheobold commented 3 months ago

What is the funniest thing that has happened to you during your time at Cal Poly? Your story can be about anything (e.g., WOW, your classes, your clubs, hiking up PC, etc.).

Wander03 commented 3 months ago

It is difficult to pin down the funniest thing that has happened, however I think I have one of my top contenders. So, during my $2^{nd}$ year I lived in PCV. One day on my way back to my apartment, I heard meowing. Looking up, I noticed that a cat had made its way onto the ledge between two windows. Yes, a cat. I know, this situation does not sound very funny, however it was not too far off the ground (in no danger that is) and I could see the owner through the window looking for said cat. Quickly I called out to let them know where their missing feline was, holding back my laughter until the cat was safely retrieved; one person coaxing it towards a now open window and another below in-case the cat jumped.

kchan78 commented 3 months ago

This isn't a singular funny instance, but I thought it was funny that despite the stats department being relatively small (see class enrollment size here and select "FTF major table"), my year alone had 3 Katherine/Catherines out of a total of 34 students. Furthermore, our last names all rhymed (Chan, Pan, Phan)! The fortunate coincidence was that we all went by different names/nicknames😅

joshblank73 commented 3 months ago

This is kind of embarrassing (still funny nonetheless), but I once climbed a tree at a party and the owner of the house had to get their really tall friend to help me down since I couldn't get down on my own. :cry:

AditiGajjar commented 3 months ago

I can't really remember one specific instance, however, I once went on a ~day~ night trip to LA with some friends. Our car ended up breaking down in the middle of the night (I'm talking 3 AM) in a pretty questionable part of town. But with some help from a nice rogue tow-truck driver and a willing uber driver, we made it back in time to get to Dr. Holladay's 425 class!

Ryan-DeStefano commented 3 months ago

I too, like others, cannot think of a specific instance that's the absolute funniest. So, I will instead explain a very unfortunate circumstance. During my Intramural Basketball Championship last year fall quarter, I dislocated my pinky very badly 1 minutes into the game and therefore had to make a trip to the ER.

evadykaar commented 3 months ago

I am not sure of the funniest instance at Cal Poly, however one funny instance was when I went camping on the beach in Big Sur with some of my friends. While it was a very fun time we were all not very prepared and it ended up raining a bit (even though it was spring time). In the future I will definitely make sure to pack all the supplies needed.

brendad8 commented 3 months ago

My funniest moment at Cal Poly

My funniest moment probably happened last year when walking to school with my buddy for a class we had together. We were waiting at a stoplight to cross the street and had already pressed the button to cross. Right before the signal was about to change for us to cross, my buddy decided he wanted to show he can karate kick the button to press it so he didn't have to get his hands dirty. When he tried to kick the button, he ripped his pants and then immediately the signal changed for us to cross. From there we went our separate ways with me crying with laughter as I crossed the street and him turning around to go change his pants. My buddy ended up walking into class late with a new pair of pants (thankfully without a hole).

SPLeader commented 3 months ago

Perhaps not the funniest, but a fond memory from when I lived in the dorms. One night, I was doing my typical nightly routine of a shower and shave. I made it through the shower no problem, and went to the sink to shave my face. I lathered the shaving cream, applied it to my face, and then suddenly riiiiiiiiing, riiiiiiiiiiiing - the fire alarm was going off. So I put personal dignity aside and rushed out of the building in my bathrobe still caked in shaving cream. It was a little bit embarrassing but mostly just funny, turns out there was a kid who burnt something in a microwave. Go figure.

GenghisKhandybar commented 3 months ago

One incident that comes to mind is from my Freshman dorms in Yakitutu, when I was just hanging out watching TV with a few friends in my room. Someone figured out the code for the fire alarm intercom system, and used it to announce to the whole building something along the lines of "You're all causing a ruckus. It's time to go to bed! Go to bed!". As all the neighbors poured into the hallway to figure what was happening, we saw someone running from the phone at the reception desk before the RA/police could catch them.

jack23brown commented 3 months ago

One funny incident that occurred during my time here at Ca Poly happened during my junior year in CHEM 110. It was a class of about 75 students, which took place in one of the huge lab classrooms in Baker. The professor, Dr. Eagon, always gives super passionate, entertaining, lectures that are hard to not watch. Anyways, during the middle of one of the lectures, a student, who thought the AirPods in his ears were connected to his phone, started scrolling through TikTok at full volume blasting out loud, in the middle of the lecture. The professor paused and let the unknowing student continue for a good 30 seconds before the student realized. It was a roar of laughter in the large classroom, and let's just say the student was quite embarrassed.

mys029 commented 3 months ago

It was 3am when I was walking back to my apartment in Cerro. I saw a gazeapparently that's what a group of them are called of trash pandas raccoons absolutely going to town on this one trash can like it was an all you can eat. It was quite the sight.

DanielErro35 commented 3 months ago

The funniest thing that ever happened to me while at Cal Poly was last quarter, I was shopping at Trader Joe's, and this random guy walked up to me. He asked me where he could find the zucchini, and I told him to go to the produce section (obviously). It later turned out that the random guy was Harry Styles.

keasley8 commented 3 months ago

Moment at Cal Poly

I can't think of a specific instance that is the funniest, but I can think of something that happened that I definitely won't forget, and that is when I got my final time wrong for my Calc 2 final. I got final times mixed up and ended up being almost 2 hours late to the final, but fortunately I still did... somewhat okay on it.

lana1218 commented 3 months ago

I was tutoring a 8th grader at Los Osos Middle School in the library back in second year at Cal Poly. The librarian came up to me and patted me on the back saying, "How are you girls doing?" Then, she saw my "guest" nametag and realized she mistaken me for a middle schooler and started profusely apologizing.

aibarra21 commented 3 months ago

From last summer to January, I fostered a cat from the cal poly cat program that was named Bolognese. It was a funny experience because the cat had a snaggle tooth and would drool so much that he would leave behind brown drool puddles on our couch. He got adopted though.