CalCOFI / capstone

Capstone project for CCDSP fellowship, where we will store data and code
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Write Ups and Captions #77

Closed TeresaGonz closed 2 years ago

TeresaGonz commented 2 years ago

Use this document to work on writing the introduction to our app, and writing captions for the graphs that explain how to interpret them, and perhaps writing up some “major findings” for a final tab. This final tab can include the animations that PK makes

Idea: Make really simple to do list for how to navigate the spatial and temporal tabs

Spatial Tab How to:

Select a year, 1975 - 2020 Select a quarter, 1 winter, 2, Spring, 3 Summer, 4 Fall Use the map to click on specific stations (red points) and station lines (blue lines)
Navigate the Depth and Station Lines Profiles Tabs to see how oxygen varies by depth

Temporal Tab How to:

Select range of dates, 1975 - 2020 Use the map to click on specific stations (red points) and station lines (blue lines) Select parameters of interest Navigate the Time Series and Depth Average Plots Tabs to see how the selected parameters vary by time

TeresaGonz commented 2 years ago

Depth Profiles Caption: These “ponytail” plots show the dissolved oxygen concentration by depth for the individual stations, shown as the “strands” of the “ponytails”. Most of the “strands” follow the same path of constant dissolved oxygen, DO, concentration at the surface before quickly declining in DO and decreasing with depth. We are particularly interested in the “stations” or “strands” that quickly decline in DO at shallower depths than other stations during seasons that should be experiencing higher oxygen concentration, Summer and Fall, because this could indicate hypoxia.

TeresaGonz commented 2 years ago

Station Line Profiles Caption: These profiles show dissolved oxygen concentration by depth for each station line. Below 500m (double check this depth) it is normal for these bottom waters to have very little oxygen. We are interested in the graphs showing the red and black colors, indicating low oxygen, invade shallower depths, especially in the Summer and Fall when seasonal cycles allow for higher oxygen at the surface.

PK0207 commented 2 years ago

Done, all added to either landing page or info modals on tabs