CalCOFI / workflows

helper scripts in R for common workflows
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get generalized line stations #12

Open bbest opened 2 years ago

bbest commented 2 years ago

From: Shonna Dovel Date: Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 2:39 PM Subject: Re: [CalCOFI] Question regarding station data from our server To: Erin Satterthwaite, Ben Cc: Renae Logston, Kelsey Vogel

Hi Ben and Erin,

While the CalCOFI website is being updated, the CCE-LTER site has a few ways to map the CalCOFI grid.

Please see the attachment for the desired Lat/Longs for the 66 station cast. Please let me know if you need the SCCOOS and northern lines as well. Cheers, Shonna



More Links

This interface uses GMT v4.1.1 with the following data files:

Bathymetry and Coastline Files

Station and Feature Files

Cruise Data - Cruise specific points can be found on their respective cruise pages.

bbest commented 2 years ago

CalCOFI staion LatLong.xlsx - Google Sheets

Order Line Sta Lat deg Lat mins Lon deg Lon mins Lon Dec Lat Dec
1 93.3 26.7 32 57.4 117 18.3 -117.31 32.96
2 93.3 28 32 54.8 117 23.7 -117.4 32.91
3 93.3 30 32 50.8 117 31.9 -117.53 32.85
4 93.3 35 32 40.8 117 52.4 -117.87 32.68
5 93.3 40 32 30.8 118 12.8 -118.21 32.51
6 93.3 45 32 20.8 118 33.3 -118.56 32.35
7 93.3 50 32 10.8 118 53.6 -118.89 32.18
8 93.3 55 32 0.8 119 14 -119.23 32.01
9 93.3 60 31 50.8 119 34.3 -119.57 31.85
10 93.3 70 31 30.8 120 14.8 -120.25 31.51
11 93.3 80 31 10.8 120 55.2 -120.92 31.18
12 93.3 90 30 50.8 121 35.4 -121.59 30.85
13 93.3 100 30 30.8 122 15.5 -122.26 30.51
14 93.3 110 30 10.8 122 55.4 -122.92 30.18
15 93.3 120 29 50.8 123 35.2 -123.59 29.85
16 90 120 30 25.1 123 59.9 -124 30.42
17 90 110 30 45.1 123 19.9 -123.33 30.75
18 90 100 31 5.1 122 39.7 -122.66 31.09
19 90 90 31 25.1 121 59.4 -121.99 31.42
20 90 80 31 45.1 121 18.9 -121.32 31.75
21 90 70 32 5.1 120 38.3 -120.64 32.09
22 90 60 32 25.1 119 57.6 -119.96 32.42
23 90 53 32 39.1 119 28.9 -119.48 32.65
24 90 45 32 55.1 118 56.1 -118.94 32.92
25 90 37 33 11.1 118 23.2 -118.39 33.19
26 90 35 33 15.1 118 15 -118.25 33.25
27 90 30 33 25.1 117 54.3 -117.91 33.42
28 90 28 33 29.1 117 46.1 -117.77 33.49
29 86.7 33 33 53.4 118 29.4 -118.49 33.89
30 86.7 35 33 49.4 118 37.7 -118.63 33.82
31 86.7 40 33 39.4 118 58.5 -118.98 33.66
32 86.7 45 33 29.4 119 19.1 -119.32 33.49
33 86.7 50 33 19.4 119 39.8 -119.66 33.32
34 86.7 55 33 9.4 120 0.4 -120.01 33.16
35 86.7 60 32 59.4 120 21 -120.35 32.99
36 86.7 70 32 39.4 121 2 -121.03 32.66
37 86.7 80 32 19.4 121 42.9 -121.72 32.32
38 86.7 90 31 59.4 122 23.6 -122.39 31.99
39 86.7 100 31 39.4 123 4.2 -123.07 31.66
40 86.7 110 31 19.4 123 44.6 -123.74 31.32
41 83.3 110 31 54.7 124 10.2 -124.17 31.91
42 83.3 100 32 14.7 123 29.5 -123.49 32.25
43 83.3 90 32 34.7 122 48.7 -122.81 32.58
44 83.3 80 32 54.7 122 7.7 -122.13 32.91
45 83.3 70 33 14.7 121 26.6 -121.44 33.25
46 83.3 60 33 34.7 120 45.3 -120.76 33.58
47 83.3 55 33 44.7 120 24.6 -120.41 33.75
48 83.3 51 33 52.7 120 8 -120.13 33.88
49 83.3 42 34 10.7 119 30.5 -119.51 34.18
50 83.3 40.6 34 13.5 119 24.7 -119.41 34.23
51 81.8 46.9 34 16.5 120 1.5 -120.03 34.28
52 80 51 34 27 120 31.4 -120.52 34.45
53 80 55 34 19 120 48.1 -120.8 34.32
54 80 60 34 9 121 9 -121.15 34.15
55 80 70 33 49 121 50.6 -121.84 33.82
56 80 80 33 29 122 32 -122.53 33.48
57 80 90 33 9 123 13.3 -123.22 33.15
58 80 100 32 49 123 54.4 -123.91 32.82
59 76.7 100 33 23.3 124 19.4 -124.32 33.39
60 76.7 90 33 43.3 123 38 -123.63 33.72
61 76.7 80 34 3.3 122 56.5 -122.94 34.06
62 76.7 70 34 23.3 122 14.8 -122.25 34.39
63 76.7 60 34 43.3 121 32.9 -121.55 34.72
64 76.7 55 34 53.3 121 11.9 -121.2 34.89
65 76.7 51 35 1.3 120 55.1 -120.92 35.02
66 76.7 49 35 5.3 120 46.6 -120.78 35.09
bbest commented 2 years ago

From: @evsatt Date: Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 2:35 PM Subject: lat lon & line station transformation info from Ed

Hey Ben, Got this from Ed in another email but made me think of our call last week: "The CalCOFI line/station transform has been incorporated into the Proj C library years ago. This means that you can do line/station <--> lat/lon transformations (or any other geographic projection) in just about any language that calls the library (R, Python, Matlab, ...) including PostGIS, I think. This may come in handy for front-end tools or queries."

CalCOFI in proj library

PROJ/calcofi.rst at e3d7e18f988230973ced5163fa2581b6671c8755 · OSGeo/PROJ:

Cal Coop Ocean Fish Invest Lines/Stations

The CalCOFI pseudo-projection is the line and station coordinate system of the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations program, known as CalCOFI, for sampling offshore of the west coast of the U.S. and Mexico.

Classification | Conformal cylindrical -- | -- Available forms | Forward and inverse, spherical and ellipsoidal Defined area | Only valid for the west coast of USA and Mexico Alias | calcofi Domain | 2D Input type | Geodetic coordinates Output type | Projected coordinates

Cal Coop Ocean Fish Invest Lines/Stations

Cal Coop Ocean Fish Invest Lines/Stations The CalCOFI pseudo-projection is the line and station coordinate system of the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations program, known as CalCOFI, for sampling offshore of the west coast of the U.S. and Mexico.
bbest commented 2 years ago

small set

Starting with CalCOFI staion LatLong.xlsx - Google Sheets

  glue, here, dplyr, mapview, readr, sf)

stations_csv <- here("data-raw/CalCOFI station LatLong.csv")

stations <- read_csv(stations_csv) %>%
  rename_with(tolower) %>%
  select(order, line, sta, lon = `lon dec`, lat = `lat dec`) %>%
    line_sta = glue("{line} {sta}") %>% as.character(),
    offshore = ifelse(sta > 60, T, F)) %>%
    coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs=4326, remove = F)

mapviewOptions(fgb = FALSE)
mapview(stations, zcol = "offshore")

usethis::use_data(stations, overwrite = TRUE)


bbest commented 2 years ago



bbest commented 2 years ago

bbest commented 2 years ago

Noticing at, other station identifier columns to include besides California Current Ecosystem (CCE):

bbest commented 2 years ago

Hi @superjai,

The stations data are ready for documentation. Please see stations column descriptions below

After git pull latest and in that RStudio project...

Simple feature collection with 2634 features and 10 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -153.165 ymin: 17.40827 xmax: -107.1261 ymax: 47.94102
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
# A tibble: 2,634 × 11
   Sta_ID  Sta_ID_line Sta_ID_station is_cast   lon   lat offshore             geometry is_calcofi66 is_cce is_sccoos
   <glue>        <dbl>          <dbl> <lgl>   <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>             <POINT [°]> <lgl>        <lgl>  <lgl>    
 1 001.0 …           1          168   TRUE    -141.  44.2 TRUE      (-140.5967 44.2332) NA           NA     NA       
 2 001.0 …           1          264.  TRUE    -148.  41.0 TRUE     (-148.0675 41.04987) NA           NA     NA       
 3 002.0 …           2           65.7 TRUE    -132.  47.5 TRUE        (-131.9775 47.47) NA           NA     NA       
 4 004.0 …           4           86   TRUE    -133.  46.4 TRUE     (-133.3855 46.44692) NA           NA     NA       
 5 004.0 …           4           88   TRUE    -134.  46.4 TRUE     (-133.5524 46.38025) NA           NA     NA       
 6 004.0 …           4           99   TRUE    -134.  46.0 TRUE      (-134.467 46.01359) NA           NA     NA       
 7 004.0 …           4          104   TRUE    -135.  45.8 TRUE     (-134.8807 45.84692) NA           NA     NA       
 8 004.0 …           4          121   TRUE    -136.  45.3 TRUE      (-136.278 45.28025) NA           NA     NA       
 9 004.0 …           4          138.  TRUE    -138.  44.7 TRUE     (-137.7018 44.69692) NA           NA     NA       
10 004.0 …           4          156.  TRUE    -139.  44.1 TRUE     (-139.0872 44.12359) NA           NA     NA       
names(stations) %>% paste(collapse = "\n- ") %>% cat()

stations column descriptions

bbest commented 2 years ago

TODO for @bbest: