CalCOFI / workflows

helper scripts in R for common workflows
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`data/areas-of-interest`: locate spatial data, download into Gdrive, and organize for reading in R #5

Closed bbest closed 2 years ago

bbest commented 2 years ago

Locate spatial data from Erin's list, download into Google Drive into areas-of-interest folder under data/, and read into R (e.g. with sf::read_sf()

I think these are the main ones -- added some specificity below:







Overlap strategy

We don't need to keep features that do not intersect CalCOFI study area, eg Sanctuaries on the East Coast, but we don't want to clip intersecting features to the study area, ie keep the original polygon shape. So technically, that means keep all sf::st_intersects() (not sf::st_intersection()).


Goal: Get AOIs that intersect CalCOFI study area for extraction of key variables over time, a la ...


superjai commented 2 years ago

Hey @bbest. Question on what to do for polygons that extend far beyond the calcofi study area. The biggest example here is with territorial and non-territorial waters. I have found these polygons no problem (available here and here), but these polygons extend way beyond the calcofi zone, which is obviously too much. Should I clip the waters polygons to the boundary of the calcofi study area that you already found?

bbest commented 2 years ago

Hi @superjai, please read the Overlap Strategy heading above in this issue. We don’t want to clip, just retain any features that intersect. I’d start by downloading any relevant ones into Google Drive. Then run through intersecting, ideally with an R script or similar.

bbest commented 2 years ago

Please be sure to include a README with source URL in the Gdrive folders and check Task boxes as you go. Thanks!

superjai commented 2 years ago

Hey @bbest - I have gotten as far as I can with this one and I have sent emails out where I have had issues. All of the requested datasets have been saved to the google drive, with the following exceptions:

superjai commented 2 years ago

Response from Erin: I was looking at this data ( and was thinking of:

  1. Pacific Planning Area Outlines (I can't tell if these are the same as the OCS boundaries...)
  2. Standard OCS Blocks clipped to the Submerged Lands Act (SLA) boundary on the shoreward side (2304 hectares per standard block).
  3. Active Leases
bbest commented 2 years ago

Q: What about the terrestrial layers, like Counties and Ports?

Create non-overlapping buffers for terrestrial layers

See for ArcGIS Python script to handle this.

superjai commented 2 years ago

All the data layers have now been grabbed with the exception of "CCE biological sampling areas", which is unavailable. Here's the note from Chris Harvey, NOAA scientist, who generated that sampling area map:

JAI: In the following report for which you were the lead, I was hoping to get the shapefiles you used to generate two of your figures: A. I was hoping you could direct me to the shapefiles used in Figure 2.1.a. for "oceanographic sampling locations". B. Additionally, I was looking for the shapefiles used in Figure 2.1.c for "biological sampling areas".

CHRIS: That Figure 2 is the worst...I basically made those panels myself in Powerpoint with some screen captures and crude artwork, and frankly my computer skills are pretty limited, so there aren't any shape files per se. I'm happy to share those images with you but they're terrible and a bit out-of-date, and they've been on my list of things to improve for several years.

bbest commented 2 years ago

Ok, this is great Jai! Thanks for gathering all the data. We'll leave out the CCE biological sampling areas per Chris' comment.