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CD/19160-6 comments: TMG-040 #98

Closed ronaldtse closed 3 years ago

ronaldtse commented 3 years ago



the note in 5.1 states that: Reference to the ISO 19135-1 requirement is denoted by ɳ (i.e. [ɳ2] = Requirement 2).

Then 5.2 begins to define the requirements using this format: Requirement 1 [ɳ1]: The register… where use of both "Requirement 1 and ɳ1 seems to be a bit redundant.

While some TC211 standards used that notation, many others have do not make use of it for designating requirements.

Requirement 13 is missing such notation and the sequence is mis-numbered thereafter. consider formatting the requirements following formatting rules of more resent TC211 standards