CalderaWP / Caldera-Forms

Drag and drop, responsive WordPress form builder.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Code in function attached to caldera_forms_create_form hook being executed twice #1961

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

WordPress Version: 4.8.1 PHP Version: MySQL Version: 5.7.19 Caldera Forms Version: 1.5.6 WP_DEBUG: 1

Does Your Issue Persist When You Disable All Other Plugins and Switch To The Default Theme?

I installed Caldera Forms in another, clean site with Twenty Seventeen theme and all other plugins disabled. I put my code in the themes functions.php and the issue persists in that installation. (WordPress Version: 4.8.1 PHP Version: 5.6.30 MySQL Version: 5.5.51 Caldera Forms Version: WP_DEBUG: 1)

What Is The Unexpected Behaviour?

I’m trying to use the caldera_forms_create_form hook to execute code that will create a page programmatically, containing the form. My problem is that any code I put in my function attached to add_action is executed twice, both when creating an entirely new form and when cloning an existing form. Lets' say I'm just doing this in the themes functions.php or a functionality plugin:

function omk_create_page($newform) {

    error_log("hello world");

    return $newform;
add_action( 'caldera_forms_create_form', 'omk_create_page', 10, 1 );

That will output this to debug.log:

[18-Sep-2017 21:07:11 UTC] hello world [18-Sep-2017 21:07:11 UTC] hello world

Why is that? Am I not using the hook correctly?

What PHP Errors Have You Logged While Reproducing This Bug?


What JavaScript Errors Have You Seen While Reproducing This Bug?

I only see this, after the new form has loaded: "downloadable font: rejected by sanitizer (font-family: "dashicons" style:normal weight:normal stretch:normal src index:0) source: http:///wp-includes/fonts/dashicons.eot dashicons.css:1:12"

ghost commented 6 years ago

Isn't it because there is a filter by the exact name on line 633 in caldera-forms/classes/forms.php?:

$newform = apply_filters( 'caldera_forms_create_form', $newform);

When I comment out that line, the code in my function is not executed twice.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Well, if I add this as the first thing in my function, it seems that I can avoid the filter being fired:

remove_filter( 'caldera_forms_create_form', 'omk_create_page' );

But still: Is it a good idea having a filter and an action with the same name?