CalebBell / thermo

Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibrium component of Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL)
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Gas mixture properties #45

Closed allanc1 closed 4 years ago

allanc1 commented 4 years ago

Hi I trying to work out how to calculate thermodynamic and transport properties of a gas mixture and am struggling to understand how to do this. The main properties required and h in kJ/kg, Cp in kJ/kgK, mu in Pa.s and k in W/m.K. Are you able to present an example?


CalebBell commented 4 years ago


You can get them pretty easily:

from thermo import Mixture
m = Mixture(['nitrogen', 'oxygen'], zs=[.79, .21], T=500.0, P=101325.0) # T in K, P in Pa
print(m.H/1000, m.Cp/1000.0,, m.k) # Convert H, Cp Joules to kJ
(206.16723833116788, 1.0363227410784634, 2.69831536145733e-05, 0.03945449027992688)

Let me know if you have any trouble.

allanc1 commented 4 years ago


That is certainly straight forward. Your help is much appreciated. BTW, it appears that your enthalpy reference temperature is 288.15K. Please confirm


CalebBell commented 4 years ago

Hi Allan, The reference conditions are 298.15K, 101325 Pa, whichever phase is present at those conditions, and with a reference enthalpy and entropy of zero.

Sincerely, Caleb

allanc1 commented 4 years ago

Caleb Thanks for that. I got confused, 288.15K is the ISA reference temperature for atmospheric studies while 298.15K is the standard temperature for the evaluation for calorific analyses.