CalgaryToSpace / CTS-SAT-1-OBC-Firmware

Firmware for the CTS-SAT-1 ("FrontierSat") mission. Runs on the STM32-based Onboard Computer.
MIT License
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Integrate a CRC32 checksum function #39

Open DeflateAwning opened 3 weeks ago

DeflateAwning commented 3 weeks ago

Create a function called "GEN_crc32_checksum(input_arr, input_arr_len, output_arr)". Specify the length of the output array in the comments.

Compute the checksum, using an existing implementation. Consider using the special hardware on the STM32, if you can.

Create unit tests for short inputs, long inputs, inputs with nulls, and at least 20 random inputs generated with python (or similar).

This may be used in the telecommand uplink validation mechanism, in validating the data coming from the MPI, and maybe other locations too.