California-Planet-Search / grandsol

Grand Solution - Doppler forward modeling
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Compare wavelength scale in simulations with output from iGrand #25

Closed JeffValenti closed 8 years ago

JeffValenti commented 8 years ago

Compare the simulated wavelength scale for each observation and order with the output wavelength scale that BJ has already determined using iGrand.

In commit 2ef7d71, I added a dump= keyword to and Specifying dump=1 causes to write out pixel level information (including wavelength scale) for each observation and echelle order. Specifying dump=2 causes to write out supersampled information for each observation and echelle order. I reran my most recent simulation with dump=2, creating a full set of auxiliary files:


I used the same pseudo-random number seed as last time, so the simulated spectra are identical. The new files are in 13_sun_nso525_jay15_hires_30_100_0_0.tar.gz [1 GB] on Box. This supersedes the previous version of this file, which had the same name.

bjfultn commented 8 years ago

Plan to make a wavelength explorer similar to

bjfultn commented 8 years ago

Here is a comparison of the input "truth" wavelength solution from the simulations vs. the output from grand on the final iGrand iteration. All observations are overplotted. This is still the old WLS description. It looks like the 4th order polynomial fits are ringing on the edges, but otherwise I don't see anything too strange going on.

These plots will be created for each iGrand iteration if the --truth flag is set.


bjfultn commented 8 years ago

I found the comparison plot for with the new spline wavelength parameterization.
