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Grand Solution - Doppler forward modeling
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Generate simulated data without RV perturbations #26

Closed bjfultn closed 8 years ago

bjfultn commented 8 years ago

Generate simulated data without RV perturbations

JeffValenti commented 8 years ago

As requested, I generated noiseless simulated data [1.1 GB compressed, 2.7 GB uncompressed] with barycentric shifts, but no planetary perturbations. The IDL command was:

simobs_set, 'sun', 'keck-nso-52.5', 'jay2015', 'hires', 3e4, 0, 0, 0, 100, seed=14, dump=2

The corresponding param.txt file in the zipped set of files is:

star = 'sun' iod = 'keck-nso-52.5' elsf = 'jay2015' ech = 'hires' bcmax = 30000.00 m/s rvk = 0.00 m/s vsys = 0.00 m/s ston = 0 nobs = 100 seed_entry = 14

The dump=2 parameter creates pixel and sub-pixel "truth" files for each observation and echelle order, e.g. sun.100.08 and sun.100.08x are the truth files for observation 100, order 8.