Call-for-Code-for-Racial-Justice / Five-Fifths-Voter

Five Fifths Voter is a web application tool designed to enable and empower Black people and others to exercise their right to vote by ensuring their voice is heard
Apache License 2.0
67 stars 37 forks source link

Final Copy modifications to app #97

Closed drealuc closed 3 years ago

yrabun commented 3 years ago

Revisions for Five Fifths Website Copy~


Change five fifths voter. at the top of Landing Page to Five Fifths Voter 

Erase sentence that starts “we will educate” 

 Move the John Lewis Quote to the top of the page and increase font 1 size. 

Directly beneath John Lewis quote insert this: 

5/5 equals a whole.

A whole person, a whole community, a whole nation.

Scroll down and change five fifths voter. to Five Fifths Voter on black, horizontal menu bar 

Under “Our Mission” REPLACE the Latin words with this:

With Five Fifths Voter, we help put the power back in your hands. Our platform informs voters of the various steps on how to vote and how to make that vote count;

Five Fifths Voter provides a personalized experience with useful tools to help marginalized voters overcome roadblocks in the voting process. This platform provides Educating, Empowering, and Enabling material and resources for voters to have a whole voting experience. Five Fifths Voter takes into account various voting journeys, including whether you are a first-time or veteran voter, minority, legally disabled, an elderly citizen, or have a felony conviction. Together, we can change the narrative of historically disenfranchised people in our democratic process.

Capitalize the E’s on Educate Empower-Enable under “Our Mission” and add periods 

Under **Educate** 

Five Fifths Voter will educate disenfranchised voters with voting guidance and connection to up-to-date tools necessary to complete the voting process.

Under “ Educate”, Keep the Knowledge is Power quote and REPLACE Thomas Jefferson’s name with Francis Bacon

Under **Empower** 

Five Fifths Voter will help generate solidarity for disenfranchised voting communities and leverage social media platforms for easy access to candidate information.  

Under **Enable**  

Five Fifths Voter enables users with information to get to polling stations in safe and efficient ways and will strive to help remove roadblocks disenfranchised voters encounter when voting. 

end of LANDING PAGE edits 


Go to Why Vote Page. Erase the current content and replace with this: 

So what's the big deal?

In 1868, the 14th Amendment gave Black people full citizenship in America but it would be over 97 years before they could successfully execute their right to vote. During this time span poll taxes, literacy tests, and other tactics were used to undermine Black people's right to vote.

In 1965, the Voting Rights Act provided a successful pathway for Black and many disenfranchised people to vote. It is through blood, sweat and tears that Black people earned the right to vote. Many Black people protested, marched, were arrested and even died as they fought the battle for voting equality.

Voting is the perfect way to implement change for disenfranchised voters. As American citizens, regardless of race, sex, background or nationality we can stand in solidarity to stand as a whole and exercise the right to be heard. Your future and that of your community depends on YOU. Five Fifths Voter is tailored to help Black and other disenfranchised voters to seize the opportunity to be heard in America.

Join us to Get registered, Get educated, Get social, and Get vocal.


Under Are you Registered?

Go to “Are you registered” section under Voter Journey. Replace “Vote like it’s hot” with “Voting is the Future”  

Add the following underneath:  “Voting is the perfect way for you to unite and implement change in your communities, state-wide and nationally.”    

Under Mail-in Ballot

Change wording to…… Can't be there? Let us Help You Connect 

On Mail in Ballot Tab, capitalize the “A” on Absentee. 

Under Vote Now – Change tab name to Get Informed

On new Get informed tab, for “Candidates, Deadline and signups, oh my” Remove oh my and signups”

ADD: “Take back your power. Start your Journey here.”

Under Vote

Change… Need help knowing where to go on voting day? Want to know what location in your precinct allows for early voting? We Five Fifths Voter can help you figure it out. Input your address below and select either "Vote Now" or "Vote Early". We'll do the rest.  


Under Get Connected:

Change the social media links to launch new page instead of taking person out of Five Fifths Voter

In Get Connected section, change “Vote Social” to “Get Social” 

In Get Connected section, replace “take a friend to vote” with this: “Get educated, Get social, and Get vocal. “ 

Go to Get Connected Page and add:   YouTube icon with link to 

Election Debates:


On Voter Support Page replace Latin with:   “Each voter’s journey is different. Five Fifths Voter can put you on the right path to reclaiming voter confidence. Please visit our support channels to help guide you” 

On Voter Support Page, change the hyperlinks to launch new pages for all of the links 

On Voter Support Page, add bullets or something to make the links stand out. 
(s) or use the point out arrow → 
GeraldMit commented 3 years ago

Regarding the following, taking care of using comment #99 GET CONNECTED TAB Under Get Connected:

annumberhocker commented 3 years ago

These changes have been made and merged into master