Call-for-Code / Embrace-Additional-Ideas

Emb(race): Additional ideas. This repository is intended to capture additional ideas that are not part of the three focus areas.
Apache License 2.0
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Idea: A social media platform identifying social injustices and allowing community member to take action #9

Open cfc-emb-race opened 4 years ago

cfc-emb-race commented 4 years ago

Name: Tim Gage

Theme: Other

Brief description of your idea: A social media platform identifying social injustices and allowing community member to take action

What makes your idea unique?: It would provide a clearinghouses of vetted/proven instances of categorized social injustices, notifications, and simplified steps for community members to take action. The platform would show members how they can truly make a difference through the platforms ability to amplify their simple contributions.

What would be the impact of your idea if implemented?: The platform would help to ensure that instances of social injustice that might otherwise be swept under the carpet were exposed. Further, the platform would use the amplification of social media to provide appropriate feedback to responsible agents so that action is taken.

Skills to contribute (e.g. development, architecture, research, design or anything else): All skills (development, architecture, research, design) are needed. I am willing to lead the design and architecture elements of the project.

krook commented 4 years ago

Additional context from the submitter:

Folks, how may I propose a CFC project? I would like to propose a platform for reporting and vetting incidents of social injustice that otherwise might be swept under the carpet. It has become obvious in recent weeks that there are many cases of violence, racism, and social injustice that, although reported, are ignored by law enforcement and other agencies until a spot light is put on the incident by the public at large.

I propose a platform that can be used to publicly record such incidents with evidence (videos etc.) that allow concerned citizens to take action. People could identify incidents on which the wish to take action and then use the information provided to write letters, email, or make a phone call to the appropriate party to bright focus to the issue and preventing it from slipping under the carpet. If, as a society, we hold people and representatives accountable, we can send a clear message that some things are not acceptable. I support freedom of speech, but I also support accountability.

In asking myself what I can do to make a difference when there are so many incidents, I realized that I can easily write a few emails and make a few phone calls. I further realized that if everyone were to take a little time to do this, a million emails/phone calls sends a very loud message. Perhaps, eventually, there will be less need for these emails and phone calls as those in power realize that it is easier to do the right thing from the start (by not ignoring injustices) than to face the repercussions of letting an incident go.

I welcome your thoughts.

Models:, social media, links to external video (Youtube).. etc.

tgage commented 4 years ago

I would like to propose a platform for reporting and vetting incidents of social injustice that otherwise might be swept under the carpet. It has become obvious in recent weeks that there are many cases of violence, racism, and social injustice that, although reported, are ignored by law enforcement and other agencies until a spot light is put on the incident by the public at large.

I propose a platform that can be used to publicly record such incidents with evidence (videos etc.) that allow concerned citizens to take action. People could identify incidents on which the wish to take action and then use the information provided to write letters, email, or make a phone call to the appropriate party to bright focus to the issue and preventing it from slipping under the carpet. If, as a society, we hold people and representatives accountable, we can send a clear message that some things are not acceptable. I support freedom of speech, but I also support accountability.

In asking myself what I can do to make a difference when there are so many incidents, I realized that I can easily write a few emails and make a few phone calls. I further realized that if everyone were to take a little time to do this, a million emails/phone calls sends a very loud message. Perhaps, eventually, there will be less need for these emails and phone calls as those in power realize that it is easier to do the right thing from the start (by not ignoring injustices) than to face the repercussions of letting an incident go.

Models:, social media, links to external video (Youtube).. etc.