Call-for-Code / Embrace-Judicial-Reform

Emb(race): Judicial reform. From traffic stops and arrests to sentencing and parole decisions, use technology to better analyze real-world data, provide insights and make recommendations that will drive racial equality and reform across criminal justice and public safety.
Apache License 2.0
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Idea: Recommendation engine / dashboard to help with sentencing decisions #31

Open amfred opened 3 years ago

amfred commented 3 years ago

Theme: Emb(race) Judicial Reform Problem Statement 3

Brief description of your idea: We could provide a dashboard and an AI or ML-assisted recommendation engine to help judges with sentencing decisions. The inspiration would be something like IBM’s Compensation Advisor with Watson. The recommendation engine and dashboard could provide the full range of sentencing options for a specific person and crime, along with recommendations based on several factors. It would also be very helpful if the engine highlighted the reasons for its recommendations, and displayed all of the data used to make it recommendation.

For example: Options - Community Service, $5000 fine, 1 week in jail Recommended - 20 hours of community service; reasons - first conviction, ability to pay OR Recommended - time already served; reason - already served 1 week; a typical sentence for this crime is 1-2 weeks

Racial profile data should be visible to the judges, but we would need to be careful to de-bias any AI or ML to make sure it doesn't actually perpetuate unfair sentencing! For example, if black Americans are more likely to serve longer sentences for a given crime, the engine should not continue to recommend longer sentences for them. In fact, it might be more productive to recommend sentences based on the sentences white/privileged people are given.

It would also be helpful to give judges feedback on their own performance with respect to sentencing fairness across racial lines.

What makes your idea unique?: This could be helpful to judges, which would increase adoption.

What would be the impact of your idea if implemented?: Give judges the data and options they need to counter racial bias in sentencing.

Skills to contribute (e.g. development, architecture, research, design or anything else): Development, architecture, IT Ops

amfred commented 3 years ago

We need to do better than COMPAS: