Call-for-Code / Prometeo-Pyrrha

Former repository for Prometeo, winner of the Call for Code 2019 Global Challenge, open sourced as Pyrrha (see links within this repo). It measures toxin exposure in real time and analyzes trends over time.
Apache License 2.0
27 stars 18 forks source link

Developer: Plot firefighter location on the dashboard #20

Open krook opened 4 years ago

krook commented 4 years ago

This feature should be embedded in the version deployed for the February burn. It should also be updated to fit the look and feel of the long-term dashboard in #80

Current work is in the dashboard folder.

It could also benefit from an existing UI library, like Carbon.

developersteve commented 4 years ago

If using LPWan or GSM network connectivity many carriers have the ability to geolocate connected devices using the network rather than a GPS module

rampadc commented 4 years ago

For the developers tasks, would it be helpful to use an existing product like IBM's IoC for Emergency Services?