CallMeFoxie / Calendar

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Port to 1.12.2. #14

Open Digimasterhir0 opened 5 years ago

Digimasterhir0 commented 5 years ago

Seems that your Calendar API was slightly abandoned and no work done here since September 2017, so I made a port to 1.12.2.

Some notes: This PR pushes changes to master branch, create one for 1.11.2 to avoid troubles. (but still saved in master branch in my fork). This is port with disabled deployment in build.gradle, because old ones isn't working properly for me and causing lots of errors, mostly with "config" thing. (feel free to ask for changes in your gradle file, if you need) Built with Forge

If you do not want to push this port and upload it, can it be as unofficial port of Calendar API? P.S. I'm slighty bad at English, so feel free to ask questions.