CallanHP / idcs-passport-authentication-strategy

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id_token returned with strategy #1

Closed randmanrjr closed 7 years ago

randmanrjr commented 7 years ago

Thanks for this passport strategy, it has been very useful!

I'm new to passport, and have been using this strategy to authenticate with Oracle IDCS. I have the need to request a second bearer token with another scope from a different resource provider. We have determined that we can do this with a JWT assertion grant flow. However, in order to accomplish that, I need the id_token that is returned along with the access_token and refresh_token during our initial authentication with IDCS using this strategy. We have our app configuration set with the appropriate grant flows in IDCS. I can request a new token in Postman with the following scope: openid urn:opc:idm:myscopes offline_access ; I receive the access_token, refresh_token, and id_token in the response body. I have updated index.js in my fork in the develop branch with the following code (however, the id_token does not seem to be returned to the verify callback):

` var OAuth2Strategy = require('passport-oauth2'); var AuthorizationError = require('./error/authorizationerror') var idcs = require('./lib/idcs-discovery'); var https = require('https'); var util = require('util'); var url = require('url')

const ERR_NO_CONFIG="An attempt was made to initialise the idcs-passport-authentication-strategy without a configuration."; const ERR_MISSING_CONFIG_FIELDS="Unable to initialise idcs-authentication strategy, required parameters not provided."; const ERR_UNDEFINED_ENDPOINT="The IDCS Authentication strategy has not yet completed initialisation, " +"and the endpoint has not been retrieved from the server."; const ERR_NO_LOGOUT_CONFIG="The call to logout was made without the required config fields, at least the IDCS host is required."; const WARN_NO_POST_LOGOUT_URL="Logout was called without a post_logout_redirect url being set. Redirecting to a dummy location."; const WARN_LOGOUT_NO_USER="No user is available to the logout call, of the user doesn't have an id_token. Assuming user is already logged out."

const DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_URL = "/.well-known/idcs-configuration"; const DEFAULT_SCOPE = "openid urn:opc:idm:myscopes offline_access"; const DEFAULT_PROFILE_URL = "/admin/v1/Me"; const DEFAULT_LOGOUT_URL = "/oauth2/v1/userlogout"; const DEFAULT_POST_LOGOUT_URL = "http://localhost/dummy"

function Strategy(configuration, verify){ if(!configuration){ throw new Error(ERR_NO_CONFIG); }

if(!configuration.client_id || !configuration.client_secret || !configuration.callback_url){ throw new Error(ERR_MISSING_CONFIG_FIELDS); }

this.config = configuration; if(!this.config.discovery_url){ this.config.discovery_url = DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_URL; } if(!this.config.profile_url){ this.config.profile_url = DEFAULT_PROFILE_URL; } if(!this.config.scope){ this.config.scope = DEFAULT_SCOPE; } if(!this.config.pass_req_to_callback){ this.config.pass_req_to_callback = true; } var idcsAgentOptions = this.config.request_agent; if(!idcsAgentOptions){ idcsAgentOptions = {}; } this.idcsAgent = new https.Agent(idcsAgentOptions); this.config._authorizeUrl = "placeholder";

this.options = { authorizationURL:"placeholder", tokenURL:"placeholder", scope:this.config.scope, clientID:this.config.client_id, clientSecret:this.config.client_secret, callbackURL:this.config.callback_url, passReqToCallback:this.config.pass_req_to_callback }, this.options, verify); = 'idcs-openid';

var self = this; idcs.getOpenIdUrls(this.config, this.idcsAgent).then(function(uris){ self.config._logout_url = uris.logoutUrl; self.config._accessTokenUrl = uris.tokenUrl; self.config._authorizeUrl = uris.authorisationUrl; });

} // Inherit from passport's OAuth2Strategy. util.inherits(Strategy, OAuth2Strategy);

Strategy.prototype.userProfile = function(accessToken, done){ idcs.getUserProfile(this.config, accessToken, this.idcsAgent).then(function(result){ return done(null, result); }); }


//Export the strategy module.exports = Strategy;

module.exports.getLogoutURI = function(options, idToken){ if(!options.idcs_url){ console.log(ERR_NO_LOGOUT_CONFIG); return ""; } if(!options.logout_url){ options.logout_url = DEFAULT_LOGOUT_URL; } if(!options.post_logout_redirect){ console.log(WARN_NO_POST_LOGOUT_URL) options.logout_url = DEFAULT_POST_LOGOUT_URL; } var ret = options.idcs_url + options.logout_url + "?post_logout_redirect_uri=" +encodeURI(options.post_logout_redirect); //Attempt to extract the user if(idToken){ ret += "&id_token_hint=" + idToken; } return ret;
} `

I was hoping that you might have some insight into whether getting the id_token is possible with this strategy.

randmanrjr commented 7 years ago

We are now getting the id_token with the changes I made to the file.