Closed thatcort closed 4 years ago
I agree that the Union type PipelineStage<<QueryOutput> | Consumable>
is not very user-friendly at first glance. However, it makes sense when you consider the expected evaluation results for all different types of SPARQL queries:
.So, as you know which query you want to execute, you know in advance what the pipeline is going to produce and you can pass this information to the Typescript type system.
For example, with a SELECT query, you can simply cast the output of
to PipelineStage<Bindings>
as follows:
const query = `
PREFIX dc: <>
SELECT * WHERE { ?book dc:title ?title }
const output = as PipelineStage<Bindings>
output.subscribe((value: Bindings) => {
}, err => {
}, () => {
console.log('Query execution completed!')
Such code is type-safe since you know that, according to the SPARQL specification, the evaluation of a SELECT query only produces solution bindings. Hence, the PlanBuilder
class will always returns a PipelineStage<Bindings>
to evaluate it. The same principle can be generalized for all the other types of SPARQL queries.
I hope it's more intelligible but if you have more questions, feel free to ask them! I'm always looking for feedback on this work!
PS: Sorry for the slow reply, I've just come back from the holidays.
I will close this issue due to the lack of feedback.
Hi, saw the notification about closing the issue. Thanks for the explanation. One thought I had was that you could parameterize the pipeline builder by query type, and that would specify the return type. Something like (pseudo code):
Then the IDE would be able to disambiguate the return type.
Apologies if this issue is due to not understanding how the library works, but I'm having trouble understanding how the type system works:
The method has a return signature of
PipelineStage<QueryOutput> | Consumable
. This means that calling code can't know in advance if the returned object is subscribable or a promise. Similarly, QueryOutput is defined as the unionBindings | Algebra.TripleObject | boolean
, so again calling code can't know what to expect.This results in awkward code that needs to test the return types before using it and prevents the IDE from suggesting completions:
Also, many of those imports aren't exported by sparql-engine, so have to be imported from specific files in the dist directory. Is this intentional?
Finally, I'm wondering why the RXJS interfaces aren't used directly? E.g. PipelineOutput could implement Subscribable or just be an rxjs Observable. Then it would be pipeable to other rxjs operators.