CallistoSecurity / Smart-contract-auditing

This is a working repo of @EthereumCommonwealth audits. We performed more than 400 security audits since 2018. Not even a single contract was hacked after our auditors approved the code. Accepting audit requests here.
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TraderDAO contract Audit #3

Closed 0xmaverickk closed 1 year ago

0xmaverickk commented 1 year ago

Audit request

... Briefly describe your smart-contract and its main purposes here ... These are contracts for TraderDAO utility token minting and distribution, as well as reward redeem purposes.

Source code

... Give a link to the source code of contracts ...

Payment plan

... Write [x] at the checkbox of the payment plan that suits your needs ...

Disclosure policy

... Do you want us to publish the report as it is or to notify you privately in case of finding critical mistakes? ... Notify us first, after we fixed the mistakes then we will publish it.

... provide your conditions for publishing the report or leave only standard disclosure policy link ...

Standard disclosure policy. Use the standard one

Contact information (optional)

... Provide information to contact you or the smart contract-developer in case high severity issues will be found ... My telegram @mave1211

... Provide information about the media resources of the project you want us to audit (website/ twitter account/ reddit/ telegram channel/ etc.) ... All the social media details are in this link:


... In which network will your contract be deployed? (EOS/TRX/ETC/ETH/CLO/UBQ/something else ) ... ARB

yuriy77k commented 1 year ago

The audit fee is 2420 USDT. You may send USDT (ERC20 or BEP20) to: 0x6317c6944bd1cD3932d062cce39d7Fd602119529 (valid for Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain)

The estimated auditing time - is 14 days after payment.

yuriy77k commented 1 year ago

Payment received

yuriy77k commented 1 year ago

TraderDAOai Contracts Security Audit Report

1. Summary

TraderDAOai smart contract security audit report performed by Callisto Security Audit Department

Audited contracts don't implement the functionality described in the Litepaper; therefore, it uses centralized server-side for all TraderDAO logic.

2. In scope

Commit: f9361197082c833146120cb1a29c59c40fc11e8a

3. Findings

In total, 1 issue were reported, including:

In total, 5 notes were reported, including:

3.1. Owner privileges of Ambassador_Redeem_Contract

Severity: owner privileges


  1. Contract Ambassador_Redeem_Contract contract inherits basic access control properties from Openzeppelin's Ownable contract, where the contract's ownership can be transferred or renounced. Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, thereby disabling any functionality that is only available to the owner.
  2. Function SetPause() allows the owner to pause or resume the contracts functionalities available to the users. Users would be unable to redeem USDT tokes for the signature signed by the signerAddress if the contract is paused.
  3. Function SetSigner() allows the owner to update the signerAddress. All previous un-redeemed signatures will be invalid if the signerAddress is updated. New signatures must be generated for previous unclaimed signatures.
  4. Function Save() allows owner to withdraw ERC-20 tokens from the contract.

3.2. Owner privileges of Liquidity_Wallet

3.2.1. Functions SetDecimal() and SetRate() allow gov address to modify POT<>USDT conversion rate

Severity: owner privileges


The functions SetDecimal() and SetRate() allow the gov address to modify POT<>USDT conversion parameters. With current values of Rate = 100 and Decimals = 10**18, the 1 POT = 0.0001 USDT

Users should know that the gov address can set any conversion rate without restriction.

Code Snippet

3.2.2. Owner privileges

Severity: owner privileges


  1. Contract Liquidity_Wallet contract inherits basic access control properties from Openzeppelin's Ownable contract, where the contract's ownership can be transferred or renounced. Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, thereby disabling any functionality that is only available to the owner.
  2. Function SetPause() allows the owner to pause or resume the contracts functionalities available to the users. Users cannot trade POT tokens for USDT tokens if the contract is paused.
  3. Function SetGov() allows the owner to update the gov address.
  4. Function Save() allows owner to withdraw ERC-20 tokens from the contract.

3.3. POT_Token.sol

3.3.1. The contract state cannot be paused

Severity: low


The contract uses the pause variable to determine whether the users can use contract functionalities, but the contract is missing a function to change the contract state.

Code Snippet


Consider implementing a function to change the state of the contract by modifying the pause variable.

3.3.2. All functionalities except mint are available to the users when the contract state is paused

Severity: note


All ERC-20 token functionalities except function mint() is available to the user when the contract state is set to pause.


Consider implementing checks to restrict users from accessing functions if the contract state is paused based on the requirements.

3.3.3. Owner privileges

Severity: owner privileges


  1. Contract POT_Token contract inherits basic access control properties from Openzeppelin's Ownable contract, where the contract's ownership can be transferred or renounced. Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, thereby disabling any functionality that is only available to the owner.
  2. Function ownerMint allows the owner to mint arbitrary tokens.
  3. Function SetSigner() allows the owner to update the signerAddress. All previous un-redeemed signatures will be invalid if the signerAddress is updated. New signatures must be generated for previous unclaimed signatures.

3.4. Proof_Of_Trade_Arbi_One

3.4.1. Users Claim reward with USDT tokens

Severity: note


Based on the docs, the Proof_of_Trade_Arbi_One contract should rewards users in POT tokens, but the contract's implementation rewards users in USDT tokens.

Code Snippet


Consider reviewing the implementation or updating documentation based on the business requirements.

3.4.2. Owner privileges

Severity: owner privileges


  1. Function SetSigner() allows the owner to update the signerAddress. All previous un-redeemed signatures will be invalid if the signerAddress is updated. New signatures must be generated for previous unclaimed signatures.
  2. Function SetPause() allows the owner to pause or resume the contracts functionalities available to the users. Users cannot deposit USDT tokens or Claim rewards if the contract is paused.
  3. Function Save() allows owner to withdraw ERC-20 tokens from the contract.

3.5. Use of ecrecover with known vulnerabilities

Severity: note


  1. Contracts Ambassador_Redeem_Contract, POT_Token and Proof_of_Trade_Arbi_One uses soliditiy's ecrecover() function to recover signer address from the signature. The function ecrecover() is known to have signature malleability issues. However, this issue has not affected audited contracts.

  2. The message hash generation also does not append any blockchain-specific information (PREFIX) to the message hash, allowing newly generated signatures to be replayed across many chains in case of deploying these contracts on other chains.

Code Snippet

3.6. IERC20 transfer used for USDT

Severity: note


Some tokens (like USDT on the Ethereum chain) don’t correctly implement the ERC20 standard, and their transfer/transferFrom functions return void instead of a success boolean. Calling these functions with the correct ERC20 function signatures will always revert.

Code Snippet


Use safeTransfer() and safeTransferFrom() from TransferHelper library for third-party tokens.

    function safeTransfer(address token, address to, uint value) internal {
        // bytes4(keccak256(bytes('transfer(address,uint256)')));
        (bool success, bytes memory data) =, to, value));
        require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))), 'TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FAILED');

    function safeTransferFrom(address token, address from, address to, uint value) internal {
        // bytes4(keccak256(bytes('transferFrom(address,address,uint256)')));
        (bool success, bytes memory data) =, from, to, value));
        require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))), 'TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED');

3.7. Follow good coding practice

Severity: note


  1. Missing docstrings

The contracts in the code base lack documentation. This hinders reviewers’ understanding of the code’s intention, which is fundamental to correctly assess not only security but also correctness. Additionally, docstrings improve readability and ease maintenance. They should explicitly explain the purpose or intention of the functions, the scenarios under which they can fail, the roles allowed to call them, the values returned, and the events emitted.

Consider thoroughly documenting all functions (and their parameters) that are part of the contracts’ public API. Functions implementing sensitive functionality, even if not public, should be documented as well. When writing docstrings, consider following the Ethereum Natural Specification Format (NatSpec).

  1. Missing test suite

The contract is missing a test suite to validate and verify the behavior of the contract functionalities. Add tests are recommended to ensure that the contract functions and behaves as expected.

  1. Redundant comments

The contracts contain comments about files imported but were never imported in the contract.

  1. Unused variable, mapping, and functions

The declared variable, mapping, and functions in the contracts are never utilized and can be safely removed to optimize gas costs during deployment.

  1. Missing zero address checks

In several places in the code, addresses are passed as parameters to functions. In many of these instances, the functions do not validate that the passed address is not the address 0. While this does not currently pose a security risk, consider adding checks for the passed addresses being nonzero to prevent unexpected behavior where required, or documenting the fact that a zero address is indeed a valid parameter.

  1. Insufficient event logging

Multiple functions with owner privileges in the contracts do not emit an event. Events are useful to inform external dapps or users that an important state was modified on the contract.

  1. Functions not used internally could be marked external.

4. Security practices

5. Conclusion

The audited smart contract can be deployed. Only low severity issue was found during the audit.

Users should be aware of the complete centralization of TraderDAO, where the owner can withdraw any tokens from smart contacts without limitation. Users can claim USDT from TraderDAO only if the owner adds enough USDT to contracts. The owner can mint POT tokens without restriction.

Audited contracts don't implement the functionality described in the Litepaper; therefore, it uses centralized server-side for all TraderDAO logic.

It is recommended to adhere to the security practices described in pt. 4 of this report to ensure the contract's operability and prevent any issues that are not directly related to the code of this smart contract.

6. Revealing audit reports

yuriy77k commented 1 year ago

TraderDAOai v2 Contracts Security Audit Report

1. Summary

TraderDAOai smart contract security audit report performed by Callisto Security Audit Department

Audited contracts don't implement the functionality described in the Litepaper; therefore, it uses centralized server-side for all TraderDAO logic.

2. In scope

Commit: 41f87758492e7af5f3f51b6d68b48069bd70b74e

3. Findings

In total, 1 issue were reported, including:

In total, 5 notes were reported, including:

3.1. Owner privileges of Ambassador_Redeem_Contract

Severity: owner privileges


  1. Contract Ambassador_Redeem_Contract contract inherits basic access control properties from Openzeppelin's Ownable contract, where the contract's ownership can be transferred or renounced. Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, thereby disabling any functionality that is only available to the owner.
  2. Function SetPause() allows the owner to pause or resume the contracts functionalities available to the users. Users would be unable to redeem USDT tokes for the signature signed by the signerAddress if the contract is paused.
  3. Function SetSigner() allows the owner to update the signerAddress. All previous un-redeemed signatures will be invalid if the signerAddress is updated. New signatures must be generated for previous unclaimed signatures.
  4. Function Save() allows owner to withdraw ERC-20 tokens from the contract.

3.2. Owner privileges of Liquidity_Wallet

3.2.1. Functions SetDecimal() and SetRate() allow gov address to modify POT<>USDT conversion rate

Severity: owner privileges


The functions SetDecimal() and SetRate() allow the gov address to modify POT<>USDT conversion parameters. With current values of Rate = 100 and Decimals = 10**18, the 1 POT = 0.0001 USDT

Users should know that the gov address can set any conversion rate without restriction.

Code Snippet

3.2.2. Owner privileges

Severity: owner privileges


  1. Contract Liquidity_Wallet contract inherits basic access control properties from Openzeppelin's Ownable contract, where the contract's ownership can be transferred or renounced. Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, thereby disabling any functionality that is only available to the owner.
  2. Function SetPause() allows the owner to pause or resume the contracts functionalities available to the users. Users cannot trade POT tokens for USDT tokens if the contract is paused.
  3. Function SetGov() allows the owner to update the gov address.
  4. Function Save() allows owner to withdraw ERC-20 tokens from the contract.
  5. Function SetFee() allow the gov address to set fee for user's claim amount.

3.3. POT_Token.sol

3.3.1. Owner privileges

Severity: owner privileges


  1. Contract POT_Token contract inherits basic access control properties from Openzeppelin's Ownable contract, where the contract's ownership can be transferred or renounced. Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, thereby disabling any functionality that is only available to the owner.
  2. Function ownerMint allows the owner to mint arbitrary tokens.
  3. Function SetSigner() allows the owner to update the signerAddress. All previous un-redeemed signatures will be invalid if the signerAddress is updated. New signatures must be generated for previous unclaimed signatures.

3.4. Proof_Of_Trade_Arbi_One

3.4.1. Users Claim reward with USDT tokens

Severity: note


Based on the docs, the Proof_of_Trade_Arbi_One contract should rewards users in POT tokens, but the contract's implementation rewards users in USDT tokens.

Code Snippet


Consider reviewing the implementation or updating documentation based on the business requirements.

3.4.2. Owner privileges

Severity: owner privileges


  1. Function SetSigner() allows the owner to update the signerAddress. All previous un-redeemed signatures will be invalid if the signerAddress is updated. New signatures must be generated for previous unclaimed signatures.
  2. Function SetPause() allows the owner to pause or resume the contracts functionalities available to the users. Users cannot deposit USDT tokens or Claim rewards if the contract is paused.
  3. Function Save() allows owner to withdraw ERC-20 tokens from the contract.

3.4.3 Deposit with arbitrary parameters

Severity: note/medium


The function deposit() can be called by any user with any parameters. It allows an attacker to deposit with id_ that already exists (duplicate deposit). Since all logic is based on the backend, we can't say what severity it has.

Code Snippet

3.5. Signature verification

Severity: note


In the current implementation there isn't this issue, but if you want to reuse this code, please, pay attention to the following:

  1. Since message hash getMessage(timestamp_, amount_, msg.sender) has the same format for Ambassador_Redeem_Contract, POT_Token, Proof_Of_Trade_Arbi_One, the signerAddress must be different for each contract to avoid replaying signature.

  2. The message hash generation also does not append any blockchain-specific information (PREFIX) to the message hash, allowing newly generated signatures to be replayed across many chains in case of deploying these contracts on other chains.

3.6. Follow good coding practice

Severity: note


  1. Missing docstrings

The contracts in the code base lack documentation. This hinders reviewers’ understanding of the code’s intention, which is fundamental to correctly assess not only security but also correctness. Additionally, docstrings improve readability and ease maintenance. They should explicitly explain the purpose or intention of the functions, the scenarios under which they can fail, the roles allowed to call them, the values returned, and the events emitted.

Consider thoroughly documenting all functions (and their parameters) that are part of the contracts’ public API. Functions implementing sensitive functionality, even if not public, should be documented as well. When writing docstrings, consider following the Ethereum Natural Specification Format (NatSpec).

  1. Missing test suite

The contract is missing a test suite to validate and verify the behavior of the contract functionalities. Add tests are recommended to ensure that the contract functions and behaves as expected.

  1. Missing zero address checks

In several places in the code, addresses are passed as parameters to functions. In many of these instances, the functions do not validate that the passed address is not the address 0. While this does not currently pose a security risk, consider adding checks for the passed addresses being nonzero to prevent unexpected behavior where required, or documenting the fact that a zero address is indeed a valid parameter.

  1. Insufficient event logging

Multiple functions with owner privileges in the contracts do not emit an event. Events are useful to inform external dapps or users that an important state was modified on the contract.

4. Security practices

5. Conclusion

The audited smart contract can be deployed. Pay attention to issue 3.4.3, it can have affect on backend part of project.

Users should be aware of the complete centralization of TraderDAO, where the owner can withdraw any tokens from smart contacts without limitation. Users can claim USDT from TraderDAO only if the owner adds enough USDT to contracts. The owner can mint POT tokens without restriction.

Audited contracts don't implement the functionality described in the Litepaper; therefore, it uses centralized server-side for all TraderDAO logic.

It is recommended to adhere to the security practices described in pt. 4 of this report to ensure the contract's operability and prevent any issues that are not directly related to the code of this smart contract.

6. Previous audit reports

yuriy77k commented 1 year ago

TraderDAOai v3 Contracts Security Audit Report

1. Summary

TraderDAOai smart contract security audit report performed by Callisto Security Audit Department

Audited contracts don't implement the functionality described in the Litepaper; therefore, it uses centralized server-side for all TraderDAO logic.

2. In scope

Commit: 9d4f1b1993ed76de25d7f3555a8b4eebdb8ad768

3. Findings

In total, 0 issue were reported, including:

In total, 19 notes were reported, including:

3.1. Owner privileges of Ambassador_Redeem_Contract

Severity: owner privileges


  1. Contract Ambassador_Redeem_Contract contract inherits basic access control properties from Openzeppelin's Ownable contract, where the contract's ownership can be transferred or renounced. Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, thereby disabling any functionality that is only available to the owner.
  2. Function SetPause() allows the owner to pause or resume the contracts functionalities available to the users. Users would be unable to redeem USDT tokes for the signature signed by the signerAddress if the contract is paused.
  3. Function SetSigner() allows the owner to update the signerAddress. All previous un-redeemed signatures will be invalid if the signerAddress is updated. New signatures must be generated for previous unclaimed signatures.
  4. Function Save() allows owner to withdraw ERC-20 tokens from the contract.

3.2. Owner privileges of Liquidity_Wallet

3.2.1. Functions SetDecimal() and SetRate() allow gov address to modify POT<>USDT conversion rate

Severity: owner privileges


The functions SetDecimal() and SetRate() allow the gov address to modify POT<>USDT conversion parameters. With current values of Rate = 100 and Decimals = 10**18, the 1 POT = 0.0001 USDT

Users should know that the gov address can set any conversion rate without restriction.

Code Snippet

3.2.2. Owner privileges

Severity: owner privileges


  1. Contract Liquidity_Wallet contract inherits basic access control properties from Openzeppelin's Ownable contract, where the contract's ownership can be transferred or renounced. Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, thereby disabling any functionality that is only available to the owner.
  2. Function SetPause() allows the owner to pause or resume the contracts functionalities available to the users. Users cannot trade POT tokens for USDT tokens if the contract is paused.
  3. Function SetGov() allows the owner to update the gov address.
  4. Function Save() allows owner to withdraw ERC-20 tokens from the contract.
  5. Function SetFee() allow the gov address to set fee for user's claim amount.

3.3. POT_Token.sol

3.3.1. Owner privileges

Severity: owner privileges


  1. Contract POT_Token contract inherits basic access control properties from Openzeppelin's Ownable contract, where the contract's ownership can be transferred or renounced. Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, thereby disabling any functionality that is only available to the owner.
  2. Function ownerMint allows the owner to mint arbitrary tokens.
  3. Function SetSigner() allows the owner to update the signerAddress. All previous un-redeemed signatures will be invalid if the signerAddress is updated. New signatures must be generated for previous unclaimed signatures.

3.4. Proof_Of_Trade_Arbi_One

3.4.1. Users Claim reward with USDT tokens

Severity: note


Based on the docs, the Proof_of_Trade_Arbi_One contract should rewards users in POT tokens, but the contract's implementation rewards users in USDT tokens.

Code Snippet


Consider reviewing the implementation or updating documentation based on the business requirements.

3.4.2. Owner privileges

Severity: owner privileges


  1. Function SetSigner() allows the owner to update the signerAddress. All previous un-redeemed signatures will be invalid if the signerAddress is updated. New signatures must be generated for previous unclaimed signatures.
  2. Function SetPause() allows the owner to pause or resume the contracts functionalities available to the users. Users cannot deposit USDT tokens or Claim rewards if the contract is paused.
  3. Function Save() allows owner to withdraw ERC-20 tokens from the contract.

3.4.3 Deposit with arbitrary parameters

Severity: note


The function deposit() can be called by any user with any parameters. It allows an attacker to deposit with id_ that already exists.

Code Snippet

3.5. Follow good coding practice

Severity: note


  1. Missing docstrings

The contracts in the code base lack documentation. This hinders reviewers’ understanding of the code’s intention, which is fundamental to correctly assess not only security but also correctness. Additionally, docstrings improve readability and ease maintenance. They should explicitly explain the purpose or intention of the functions, the scenarios under which they can fail, the roles allowed to call them, the values returned, and the events emitted.

Consider thoroughly documenting all functions (and their parameters) that are part of the contracts’ public API. Functions implementing sensitive functionality, even if not public, should be documented as well. When writing docstrings, consider following the Ethereum Natural Specification Format (NatSpec).

  1. Missing test suite

The contract is missing a test suite to validate and verify the behavior of the contract functionalities. Add tests are recommended to ensure that the contract functions and behaves as expected.

  1. Missing zero address checks

In several places in the code, addresses are passed as parameters to functions. In many of these instances, the functions do not validate that the passed address is not the address 0. While this does not currently pose a security risk, consider adding checks for the passed addresses being nonzero to prevent unexpected behavior where required, or documenting the fact that a zero address is indeed a valid parameter.

  1. Insufficient event logging

Multiple functions with owner privileges in the contracts do not emit an event. Events are useful to inform external dapps or users that an important state was modified on the contract.

4. Security practices

5. Conclusion

The audited smart contract can be deployed. No security issues were found in the audited contracts.

Users should be aware of the complete centralization of TraderDAO, where the owner can withdraw any tokens from smart contacts without limitation. Users can claim USDT from TraderDAO only if the owner adds enough USDT to contracts. The owner can mint POT tokens without restriction.

Audited contracts don't implement the functionality described in the Litepaper; therefore, it uses centralized server-side for all TraderDAO logic.

It is recommended to adhere to the security practices described in pt. 4 of this report to ensure the contract's operability and prevent any issues that are not directly related to the code of this smart contract.

6. Previous audit reports