Calsign / APDE

Source code for APDE: Create and run Processing sketches on an Android device.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Android 11, preview and app build fails #107

Open Tenet5 opened 3 years ago

Tenet5 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I recently (and accidentally) moved to android 11 and found out my APDE broke. I can not run in preview, install previewer nor build apk. Tried both build on internal and external storage, but get the same behaviour. Building previewer fails with a ton of: storage/emulated/0/preview_build/support-res/values/values.xml:1356: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:something' All from the support-res/values/values.xml Indeed, build and previewer_build directories are created with the usual data (including that values.xml). Apk build does not throw error, just get stuck at AAPT step forever. Intetesting thing is that deleting old build folders fails when I retry. Changing previewer permission does nothing too. All these beaviours are the same on v0.5.1 from google play and v0.5.2 from github.

Calsign commented 2 years ago

I haven't been able to replicate this on my Android 11 phone or emulator. I know it's been many months, but if you're still experiencing this issue, it would be useful to know your device model and other pertinent information.

michezio commented 2 years ago

I'm having the same issue on a Xiaomi Mi9 SE with MIUI 12.5.1 (Android 11). It worked fine before on Android 10

readman999 commented 1 year ago

It works fine on Redmi 9T with MIUI Global 12.5.12 (Android 11).