Updated WISE mission phases to reflect the final data products about to be released.
Updated ZTF for the current release 22.
Time scaling bugs when loading times from both Horizons and the MPC were fixed, these
were causing offsets of about a minute in the loaded states. However it was shifting
both the perihelion time and the epoch time by the same amount, leading to only minor
effective errors.
Constant for the sqrt of GMS was incorrect by a small amount, this value was fixed.
IRSA username/password options are now being passed through correctly in WISE.
Removed plot_frame from ZTF, as a better version of this is available in kete.irsa.
Removed cache_WISE_frame and fetch_WISE_frame deprecated functions in WISE.
from ZTF, as a better version of this is available in kete.irsa.cache_WISE_frame
deprecated functions in WISE.