CaltechOpticalObservatories / NGPS

NGPS Software
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Plot slit trades #34

Open chazshapiro opened 1 year ago

chazshapiro commented 1 year ago

Add a menu item "Plot Slit Trades" (TBC - poll the group), which displays a plot for the currently highlighted target.

The plot will show SNR and resolution as a function of slit width for the target. The plot will be generated by calling a function from the ETC module.

ETC could either return a PNG file for immediate display, or it could return data which could be plotted and displayed by the GUI (allowing some interactivity). The former will take up less of Jennifer's time. The ETC can already generate this plot -- we need to agree on how to call it from the GUI. It would be best to import Python, otherwise we'll have to use a shell command, maybe a variation of the existing OTM command.

chazshapiro commented 1 year ago

Example Screenshot 2023-05-30 at 12 58 29 PM