Closed AndreasCalvagone closed 3 years ago
I'm hesitant to implement such a wrapper function. For me, this function will never suit everyone needs. In particular, it will not be usable if you have, in your dataset :
Can you have a look at the 3 below alternatives, which I find more flexible:
model <- model_library$advan4_trans4
# Solution 1 (create arm method)
createArm <- function(amt) {
arm <- Arm(subjects=100)
arm <- arm %>% add(Observations(seq(0,7*24)))
arm <- arm %>% add(Bolus((0:6)*24, amount=amt))
arms <- c(100, 200, 300, 400) %>% purrr::map(~ createArm(.x))
dataset <- Dataset() %>% add(arms)
# Solution 2 (create complete dataset & adapt using dose adaptation, available in next release)
arm <- Arm(subjects=100)
arm <- arm %>% add(Observations(seq(0,7*24)))
arm <- arm %>% add(Bolus((0:6)*24, amount=100))
arms <- c(1, 2, 3, 4) %>% purrr::map(~ arm %>% add(DoseAdaptation(paste0("AMT*", .x))))
dataset <- Dataset() %>% add(arms)
# Solution 3 (create almost complete dataset & add arm-specific boluses)
arm <- Arm(subjects=100)
arm <- arm %>% add(Observations(seq(0,7*24)))
arms <- c(100, 200, 300, 400) %>% purrr::map(~ arm %>% add(Bolus((0:6)*24, amount=.x)))
dataset <- Dataset() %>% add(arms)
# All these 3 datasets give the same results
results <- model %>% simulate(dataset=dataset)
shadedPlot(results, "CP", "ARM")
By the way, in the next release, replace & delete methods can be used to adapt an existing dataset or arm. For instance, to replace the amount of the first bolus, you'll write: arm %>% replace(Bolus(0, amount= X)) This will be nice I think for writing scenarios. However, there is no 1-line code to replace the amount of all boluses in your arm (other than using the new dose adaptation element).
I see the point of avoiding to have a too complex function. However, I'm not sure if the current approach is very user-friendly; this is certainly something that the normal user will have too look-up every time he/she is doing a simulation since it is not intuitive. Of course, we can have an example in the vignette or a cheat-sheet; but I think the way they handle the dosing instructions in mrgsolve for example is quite elegant:
Maybe we can do something similar: creating different arm objects and then combine then with a function.
I see. What about a quick arm constructor like QuickArm(amount=250, ii=24, addl=4, time=24, label=X) ?
It would return an arm object that you can still work on if needed (to add covariates, etc.)
After discussion, we decided to not implement any wrapper, but to add optional 'ii' and 'addl' arguments to constructors Bolus() and Infusion().
To quickly simulate 4 treatments arms without using the purrr package, you can do as follows:
model <- model_library$advan4_trans4
arm_tmp <- Arm(subjects=100) %>% add(Observations(seq(0,7*24)))
arm1 <- arm_tmp %>% add(Bolus(time=0, amount=100, ii=24, addl=6))
arm2 <- arm_tmp %>% add(Bolus(time=0, amount=200, ii=24, addl=6))
arm3 <- arm_tmp %>% add(Bolus(time=0, amount=300, ii=24, addl=6))
arm4 <- arm_tmp %>% add(Bolus(time=0, amount=400, ii=24, addl=6))
dataset <- Dataset() %>% add(c(arm1, arm2, arm3, arm4))
# Plot
results <- model %>% simulate(dataset=dataset)
shadedPlot(results, "CP", "ARM")
Would be nice to have a wraper function to quickly generate parallel design datasets with different arms based on the amount input; something like: createDatasetparallel(subjects=100, amt=c(100,200,400,600), interval=24, model=model, obs=seq(0,100,1))
this would create a dataset with 4 arms and 100 subjects each; may also be an option to provide the dosing schedule as a list if the interval varies: amt=list(c(100,24),c(200,12),c(200,24),c(600,48))