Cambridge-Community-Kitchen / cck-volunteer-web-app
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Thinking ahead: v2.0 #5

Open timsk opened 2 years ago

timsk commented 2 years ago

Future second phase of development to start thinking about: probably rotas next, right? • first up: user accounts for volunteers and admins • I think we can make rotas only visible to logged in people, but I'm still pondering that; • the actual process should be similar to the current one, I think, i.e. users see a couple of months of future dates and one or two past, although claiming a shift will just be a single tap rather than entering ones name; • need to make it mobile friendly, which is something that Google Sheets doesn't help us much with currently, and it's not clear to me how we lay it out clearly and legibly on a small screen; open to suggestions! • we'll want several automatic messages to people based on what they're signed up for – an email ~5 days before the shift (cooking/cleaning/delivering) to remind them it's coming up, maybe a text on the day, definitely a text to deliverers around 16:30 on shift day to say "tap here for tonight's route", another text to the kitchen team leader towards the end of their shift to prompt them to do the Dish of the Day form; • probably other stuff I'll remember later

User stories

  1. As a volunteer, I need to be able to put my name to a shift (for one of several roles, currently including cooking, delivering, and cleaning) on any mobile device or laptop, at least as quickly and easily as using the legacy system.
  2. As a volunteer, I need to be able to remove my name from a shift. [but perhaps <24 hours before the shift, volunteers need to ask an admin to remove them? or they can remove themselves but that gets flagged to admins?]
  3. As an admin, I need to be able to assign a volunteer to a shift quickly and easily, and remove them.

Automatic functions based on rotas

• reminder emails before shifts • SMS to deliverers 90 minutes before shift with link to give access to their route info for the shift • put deliverer's name onto relevant printable route sheet

jamdelion commented 1 year ago

Another section I thought about that we could improve in a future version: getting the data from recipients in a normalised form. E.g. currently in the kitchen you get a long list of allergies/preferences, some of which are all the same but are worded slightly differently which means you need to manually go through and count all the gluten-frees, the no-spice etc. If we could have some sort of form which has all these as options, then they could be tallied up automatically and given to the kitchen coordinator in a nicer format.